Chapter twenty-one: The Escape... Pt. 1

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Jeff's POV

"Get the fuck away!" I snarled, backing up against the wall.

My body started shaking violently as my breathing started to quicken its pace. Ron was nearing me with a lighter, smiling creepily and laughing insanely.

"What's wrong, Jeffery...?" Ron chuckled darkly, flipping the cigarette lighter on.

Oh, God... He's going to burn me... My pupils slit dangerously on him, silently challenging him to come closer. I slid down the wall, feeling my legs give out on me. Fire... That fire... Screams filled my ears, smoke filled my nostrils. Randy filled my vision. No... No. No! He did this to me! A voice desperately screamed in my head.

"Stay away from-" I started out, suddenly interrupted by the door being thrown off its hinges.

Ron whirled away from my direction, trying to see what had happened behind his back. A tall, colorful form crashed through the broken doorway. Now! I immediately lunged at Ron, tackling him to the ground; wasting no time in wrestling that damned lighter away from him. Once the silver lighter was out of his grasp, I threw a hard blow to his lower jaw. He only grunted in pain, trying to shove me away.

"Jeffery! Come, now!" A familiar voice called out, followed by a jingling sound.

Quickly glancing towards the direction of the voice, I couldn't help but smile wildly. In the doorway stood Splendor Man.

"Splendy!" I grinned, hopping off of Ron and bolting towards the Pasta.

Splendy had a suit like Slendy, except his clothes were full of colorful polka-dots. Splendy had a face. Sort of. His eye sockets were empty. Splendy wore a top hat on his bald head.

"Quickly, I still need to free Hoody and my brother!" Splendy's tone held determination and anger.

"Get Hoody!" I shouted, running off into the clustered hallway, "I'll get Slendy!"

At this point, Ron was long forgotten. It looked like Splendor had been freeing any creature that he could. The white hallway was filled with fighting forms. Disfigured creatures. Soldiers. Animals. Actually, anything you could think of.

"Duck!" Masky snarled, running towards me.

I did as I was told for once, dodging a kick from Masky. Stealing a glance behind myself, I could see Masky lifting his foot above a man's head; crushing his skull without mercy. I needed to carry on. I needed to find Slendy.


I stumbled through another doorway, drenched in blood. My body shook with pain and exhaustion. Damn it... I inwardly cursed, quickly trying another door. It had seemed like hours since my release. In reality, it had only been about twenty minutes. I had been frantically running around, hoping to find the room in which Slendy was being held in.

"Freeze!" A woman's shaky voice called out.

I whipped around, fist raised in a defensive stance. In front of me, stood a terrified looking woman. She had long blonde hair that was tied back in a tight pony-tail. She had a palish skin tone with blue eyes. Her name-tag read 'Sasha'. Sasha wore a white lab coat and some black dress pants. A small pistol was held tightly in her hands; aiming at me.

"Where is the faceless man?!" I screeched at her, despite the gun that she clutched in her hand.

Sasha's blue eyes widened at my question, instantly lowering the lethal weapon by her side. I narrowed my eyes on her, expecting her to run away.

"Follow me," She said sternly, taking off around the corner.

Too surprised to even argue, I took off after Sasha. As I followed, I could only hope that this wasn't a trap. Though, something in my sadistic instincts told me to trust her. I'm coming Slendy... Hang in there... In a way, I could label Slendy as the father figure in my life. He had always looked out for me and the others, even when we refused his help. I was surprised to feel a protective spark towards him when we were ambushed back at the house. Damn... I'm going soft...

"This better not be a fucking trap!" I barked angrily at her as she started opening a random door.

Sasha only shook her head, swinging the door open and stepping aside. Wearily, I entered the darkened room; my small knife drawn out in a defensive position. My cat-like eyes snapped to a rustling noise to my far left. My grip tightened on the small knife, my heart beating quickly. I'm here Slendy... Sluggishly and despairingly, I approached the rustling sound; half expecting something to lunge and attack me.

"Jeffery..." A familiar, weak voice called out, "Child... Leave now..."

My eyes widened at this, my black and cold heart shattering. Slendy was on the floor, weakly propped against the wall. His suit was ripped in many places, drenched in blood and black ooze. The black ooze was leaking from the wounds that covered the parts of his body that was showing. His tentacles lay limply by his side, flickering slightly. Slendy looked so weak right now. Bastards! I sunk to my knees in front of him, dropping my weapon.

"No, let's go!" I demanded like a stubborn child, tugging on his arm, "Don't you fucking dare tell me to leave you!"

My heart was shattering to broken, hurting pieces. Slendy only groaned quietly, shaking his head. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"Child... It was a trap..." His voice was barely above a whisper, "Run..."

After hearing his words, the sound of a gun reloading could be heard; the head of a gun pressing against the back of my skull. No fucking, God damn way... Turning around, my eyes met with cold blue ones. Ron.

"I didn't think monsters could feel..." The red-headed man teased coldly, pressing the tip of his gun against my forehead, "Or even love, in this matter."

I growled loudly at him, feeling my pupils slit dangerously. If I attacked now, I'd be shot and killed on the spot. No... I can't attack yet.

"Leave him be..." Slendy wheezed weakly, "I will... Torture you beyond your... Imagination..."

Suddenly, gunshots went off. My head started spinning with dizziness; a sharp pain was felt at my side. I slowly fell to my side, desperately gasping for air. I felt like I was drowning. I coughed up blood. I was choking on my own blood now. Weakly turning to Slendy, I reached out a hand towards him. This moment reminded me of an infant wanting comfort from their care-giver. Help... I inwardly begged, feeling a tentacle weakly hold my offered hand.

"Slendy..." I coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Child..." His voice sounded faint to my ears, "I've failed... Protecting... You... Others..."

This can't be my ending... I thought all stories had a happy ending...?

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