Chapter nineteen: Torture...

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Splendor Man's POV [Flashback]

               I watched in horror as men in Military uniforms dragged my brother away, stuffing him in a cage; at least it looked like a cage. By the looks of it, he was knocked out. Oh, my goodness! I felt tears prick at my eyes, watching as more men in uniforms dragged my friends out of the small house. Those monsters! I could faintly hear crying and screams of protest. How could they?! Who are they?! What are they doing with my brother and friends?! All these questions circled inside my head, teasing and pinching my brain. This isn't fair! I wanted to help, I truly did, but I couldn't. There were too many of them. There were too many of those Military, armed men.

"Alright! Good to go!" I could hear one of them shout, patting the car that held the Pastas.

Getting up from my hidden place, I was about to start following them; but something else caught my attention. Another group of men started coming from the small house, dragging women this time. Those must be the girls that Slendy was talking about! I covered my mouth with a hand, as they too were stuffed inside a different car. The girls who would fulfill the prophecy... Lowering my gaze to the ground, I couldn't help but feel completely and utterly useless.

"I'm so sorry..." I whimpered, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks, "I can't help you now... I came too late... Too late..."

Originally, I was on my way here to warn my brother and the others about Ron. Rumors were spreading that Ron had the power to prevent the prophecy from coming true. Darkness and despair would overrule the universe if that were to happen. Both of our worlds would be thrown off balance, causing chaos and destruction. Both worlds would be destroyed. Lifting my head back up, I watched the last car drive away quickly; abandoning the house.


Five Days Later...

"You shouldn't do that..." I quietly whispered, taking the knife away from Jules, "It's not healthy..."

Recently, I had joined the girls; vowing to protect them from those men. They were released, saying that Ron had no use for them. I had a feeling that the prophecy was beginning to take place, after hearing of its meaning. Each girl sulked in their own way, missing the boys terribly. Sadness and sorrow had filled the aura of the house.

"I-I miss hi-him..." Jules stuttered, looking down at her bloody arm.

Jules and I were the only ones awake. It was around three forty-five in the morning. I had woken up to the sound of someone weeping, soon finding Jules with a kitchen knife in her hand. The food utensil was stained in the blood of Jules's arm. Jules had carved a name in her arm. She carved Silver's name in her arm.

"It's alright, sweetie..." I cooed, wrapping my tentacles around her softly.

The bells at the end of my tendrils jingled with any movement. Jules sobbed harder, hugging on of my tentacles. Everything will be alright... I sighed, bringing her closer to my form; wrapping my long arms around her. Every day since the capture of my brother and friends, I would have to comfort the girls and myself.

"Why did they take them?" Jules wailed, hugging me back in desperation.

I took my hat off with a tendril, gently placing it on Jules's head.

"Because, they are just big bullies..." I replied softly, "We'll find a way to get them out..."

Her body racked with more tears. She looked up at me, brown eyes sparking with hope. Her eyes were red from crying all night, and her cheeks were pink from the hot tears that continued to fall.

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