Chapter seven: Why so... Serious...?

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Alyx's POV:

I laughed softly at another one of Christopher's jokes, taking a small sip of my wine; red wine. Over the phone, the day that I was attacked in a kiss by Jeff, Christopher had changed the plans of going to the movies. Instead, here we were, at Olive Garden; outside. It was quite the romantic setting, if you asked me; small lanterns were hung up, trees were nearby, and we sat right next to a lake. I think I'm in love!

"Again, sorry about changing the plans at the last minute," Chris laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Christopher was a shaggy, dirty blonde; oddly, he had chocolate brown eyes. He wore a blue button up shirt, with black dress pants. Stunning!

"It's fine, this is perfect," I giggled at his offered smile.

"You look beautiful," He winked, causing heat to engulf my face.

Giving him my thanks, I picked up a slick menu; trying to figure out what I'm in the mood for. Scanning through the optional food choices, my eyes finally landed on a white pasta dish. Well, that doesn't sound too bad... I think I'll have that for dinner!

"I've always loved lakes and oceans..." I placed my menu down, looking over at the twinkling lake that sat beside us; not too far away.

"Heh... Maybe we could go take a dip..." Christopher smirked, also placing his menu down, "I know of a place that's pretty close to here. I've been there a couple of times, the water is just amazing!"

"I-I don't have a bathing suit, though..." I laughed nervously, quietly yelping as I felt one of his warm hands rest on my leg.

"I don't think you're going to need one..." He replied lowly, his hand traveling further up my exposed leg.

I slowly removed his hand, with a slight frown playing across my features. He was beginning to make me feel uncomfortable; I like my personal space, thank you very much. Watching his features turn into an apologetic expression, I mentally rolled my eyes; in reality, I offered in a small smile. As the waitress came and took our orders, I couldn't help but get the feeling of being watched. I wonder if it's- My thoughts were cut off my phone going off. I flashed Chris an apologetic look as I answered the ringing device.

"Hello?" I held the small device to my ear.

"Hey, Babydoll," Jeff's voice was heard from the other line, "What 'cha doing?"

"I'm on a date, Jeffery," I mentally choked him, answering his stupid ass question, "Is there something you need?"

"Uh-huh..." Came the amused reply from the other line.

I excused myself from the table, giving Christopher a finger; indicating that I needed a minute alone. I didn't wander away too far; just far enough so Chris couldn't hear my conversation. Why would he fucking call me?! Oh, yes, I remember now... He's a fucking psycho!

"What do you need, Jeff?" I hissed into my phone, tugging my short dress down.

"Don't I make it obvious enough?" He replied with his own question, tone holding annoyance now.

I rolled my eyes, placing my free hand on my hip; sighing loudly. He is practically toying with me!

"Do you need cigarettes?" I growled, wanting this conversation to end.

"Do you need some?" He chuckled over the other line.

"No, I don't smoke," Rolling my eyes, I hissed.

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