Chapter twenty-four: Old Memories...

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Sasha's POV

                I gently wiped the blood off his tendril, frowning as he flinched. I didn't mean for this to happen. I never knew Ron was power hungry. I only knew he had a passion for killing things that were no longer humans; if not, at all.

"Sorry..." I sighed, wrapping the snake-like limb in gauge.

A moment of silence passed as I started cleaning another tendril.

"It's alright, Child..." His voice was shockingly soft, almost caring.

"I put you guys through this... Nothing's alright..." I shook my head, pausing my current doings, "If only I had stood up to him..."

I trailed off quietly, dropping my gaze to the floor. My heart pumped with a dull feeling inside of it. I was right. If only I stood up for what was right... I could be in charge... He'd be my assistant. I'd be the one to call the shots. It was all true.

"What matters is now..." Slender hissed gently, "We cannot dwell on the past... It is a waste of energy. A waste of time..."

I slowly glanced up at his faceless features.

"Then why do you do it?" I questioned bluntly, "Why do you dwell on the past?"

We sat in silent, just waiting for the other to make a sound. An unknown tension settled into the room. It was an uncomfortable kind of tension.

"Because," Slender started, "I cannot forget you, no matter how hard I try and will myself to. I just can't..."

I wasn't surprised at all. I knew I've always felt his presence since the day we met; he followed me. Protected me. I felt his tendril curl around my wrist gently, holding it carefully as if not to harm me.

"I know..." I whispered, "I missed you."

"As have I missed you..." He trailed another tendril down my cheek, "My love..."


Seven Years Ago...

                "Night, Brendon!" I chuckled, exiting the laboratory.

I readjusted my purse on my shoulder, hurrying over to my small red car and hopping in; buckling up. Today had been a tough day. We were assigned a new boss. This is odd... I thought, starting my car up and pulling out of the parking lot. It was very unusual for a laboratory to get a General as a leader. I still don't understand it... Why didn't they just give us another Lab Boss? Shaking my head, I turned the radio on and found my usual station.

"–Partly cloudy," A male's voice hummed through the speakers of my vehicle, "While we have heavy thunderstorms coming it."

I cringed at the thought of a thunderstorm rolling our way. I hated them, ever since I was a little girl.

"Oh, Bob..." I randomly gave the newscast guy a name, laughing softly, "You always give me bad news after my shift... I don't think this is going to work... We... We need to listen to other people."

I giggled, coming to a stop at a red light. I'm too silly for my own age sometimes... After passing the light, I made a left and pulled into another parking lot.

"Now, let's hear–" I shut the car off, interrupting Bob.

Pulling the keys out of the ignition, I popped my door open and climbed out; stretching. I turned around and bent over, grabbing my purse and bag. As I backed out and closed my door, a hand smacked over my mouth; an arm snaking around my waist.

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