Chapter eleven: Girls Day Out

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A/N: Alright, Squigglies! I hope you enjoy this, for those who requested a part, you're journey has begun in this chapter! Enjoy!

Alyx's POV:

                I softly pressed the brake with my foot, stopping at a red light; within a couple of minutes, we would be at the mall. Glancing over at Nyra, I couldn't help but notice that she was acting strange. In fact, she hadn't said a word ever since we climbed in the car. She seemed jumpy. Confused, almost. I wonder what's wrong with her... She isn't usually the one stay quiet for long...

"Nyra?" I questioned, starting to drive again; my eyes on the road.

"Hm...?" The brunet hummed in response.

"Are you alright?" Another question slipped out of my mouth.

"Just perfect," Nyra scoffed.

Something is definably wrong, she never snaps at me! Sighing, I took a left; entering the mall's parking lot. Surprisingly, the place was practically packed. Pulling the keys out, I placed them in my pocket and climbed out of the large SUV; following Nyra. She was still staying silent, and it was killing me. Obviously, something was bothering her and she wasn't telling me; we told each other everything. Our friendship didn't know the definition of secrets.

"Which stores do you-" I started as we entered the huge building, soon being interrupted by my unusual quiet friend.

"Masky kissed me last night!" Nyra shrieked, throwing her hands up.

Oh snap! I stopped, grabbing her arm and forced her to face me. Her palish cheeks were tainted with a light red blush.

"That's why you've been acting weird! I knew something was up!" I giggled, hugging her tightly.

"Err... Yes, now let go!" She hissed, shoving me away from her tense form.

Huffing, I followed her as she started walking in a random direction; listening as she told me how the kiss happened. I nodded as she finished her story. Wait, I'm confused... Doesn't she like him? I mentally questioned her, but shrugged it off; not wanting to stress her out further.

"Nyra, look!" I clapped my hands, rushing over to a glass window to one of the stores, "They have Nyan Cat hoodies!"

On the other side of the glass, a manikin wore a Nyan Cat hoodie. I need this! I'll die if I don't buy it! I whined as Nyra dragged me away from the glass window; dragging me away from the store.

"No. You are a fucking rainbow cat hoarder! You've got drawings, hats, and shirts!" Nyra sighed, "All for a cat that poops out rainbows. That cat eats way too much skittles."

"It's Nyan Cat..." I grumbled, allowing the brunet to drag me to a food court.

Chinese food! My stomach wailed like a dying whale as the mouthwatering aroma hit my nose. We waited in line for a good, solid ten minutes until ordering our food. I ordered some rice with shrimp on the side. Delicious Chinese food!

"So... Let me get this straight..." I swallowed a bite of food, taking a seat at one of the booths, "Did he kiss you or you kissed him?"

"He kissed me!" Nyra choked out, taking a swig of her water, "We were at the park, playing some tag... Well, then... He kissed me..."

"Did you enjoy it?" I smirked, finishing the small box of Chinese rice.

"Who cares?!" She growled, throwing her and my trash away, "I certainly did not enjoy it!"

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