Books and poles (part 1)

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(So this is the first little bit of part 3. I've been having awful writers block but I managed to come up with the first half of this part, so do not worry! I should be posting the rest tomorrow hopefully, lovelies!

That being said


Shit. I shifted in my seat, uncomfortably.

What had I been thinking, following after him to his apartment?

Levi pulled up into a parking spot, twisting the key in the ignition, shoving his keys into his pocket. Opening the car, shifting to get out. I turned in the leather seat, opening the car door. Slamming it shut, falling after Levi into Trost.

He pushed the up button of the elevator with his fingertip taking a step back, setting me with a unthrilled expression. I raised my eyes as if to ask, what? He just turned his attention to the machine as it did it's happy chime. Stepping into his corner, I asked what floor.

Pointing at the button, he said, "PH."

I frowned. Looking at the buttons I found the PH button at the top of the buttons, realizing it meant penthouse. My eyes widened, I looked back at Levi.

"Are you loaded or something?" I blurted before I had a chance to bite back my bluntness.

A amused smile played on his lips as he looked at me, his eyes piercing me with their gaze. Tilting his head to the side he asked, "Kid, have you heard of the author, Teddy Acklove?"

Confused by his sudden question, I nodded. She was the author of my all time favorite book series, Truth or Lies? It was about a boy named Seth with depression and anxiety, trying to find himself in the world. His mom was a drug addict that cheats on his dad. His father is always away on jobs. In the latest update, he was trying to commit suicide. That was the cliffhanger, it had been eating at me for a week now since I read it. I was dying for the update. The way I could read about another being's misfortune satisfied me somehow. Drowning myself with others worries and misplacement thrilled me almost to say the least. The author was a New-York-times award winning. How could I not know?

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged, pulling his bag over his shoulder as the chime rang out, revealing his massive condo. Gliding in I followed Levi's graceful steps, I took in his well put out living room. Soft looking sofas, a larger flat screen, not much decoration on the walls, he didn't really strike me as the decorative type. Levi slipped his shoes off, hanging his coat in a closet, gesturing for me to do the same.

Padding into the massive kitchen I sat down on a stool at the marble bar. It felt kind of weird to be so casual in a foreign place but I didn't want Levi to know that. Watching him was like watching a cat. Everything was graceful. Never seeming to falter. Going to the fridge, then pulling out vodka, he turned to reach on his toes for a glass in the cabinet. I tried not to laugh. Really it was more cute than anything.

Levi must have noticed my amused expression when he shot me daggers.

Then a smirk curled around his lips, I caught my breath, unaware how much I was looking at his lips. Setting another glass down, pouring in the vodka. He pushed a cup towards me.

I frowned down at the amber liquid. "I'm a minor." I said my brows knit together.

"And?" Levi gave me a bored look. He sipped at the liquids.

"And just-" I cut myself off staring down at the liquid, then glanced at the clock above the stove. It was already 7.

"Look, kid, if you gonna stare at it like you need to shit, take it to the bathroom." Levi pointed at the hallway where I assumed the bathrooms were.

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