What You May Hear

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"Eren?" Mikasa's startled eyes met mine. Levi's grip on my hand tightened.

I stood up straighter, standing my ground as I glared at her. "What the hell, Mikasa?" I asked, the icy edge taking my tone.

Her eyes darted to the man beside me then to our clasped hands. I gritted my teeth cause for all I knew, she was judging me. But I didn't give one goddamn care. Let her judge me, let her see me differently, but she wasn't about to give me some lecture when she abandoned her family for who knows what.

"Who's that?" Mikasa's voice didn't waver as she set Levi with a hard look. But Levi wasn't the type just to bow down to anyone, gifting her with a deathly look that almost made me lose my nerve.

"None of your business." I said.

It was true. She didn't have the right to know. I barely recognized the person standing in front of me. Her hair was shorter, framing her face in a pixie style cut. If she looked like she hardly slept before she left then her face took a whole new meaning to eye bags.

Mikasa was still fuming, but then she suddenly sighed, her shoulders sagging. "Look, Eren, this was not how it was suppose to go. I hoped-"

"How the hell did you think it'd go?" Levi spoke up. "Eren's been so torn up over you and you want to come prancing back into his life after being missing for a good two weeks? Are you that fucking dense?"

Mikasa face took a form of looking taken aback, then to a ready to lunge at Levi. Her pupils practically turned into slits, shooting daggers at him. Levi wore his usual passive expression, looking completely unfazed.

I spoke before it got anymore dangerous in the atmosphere. "What do you want, Mikasa?" I asked in exasperation.

Her gray eyes broke from a brooding Levi and met mine, softening as they did so. "Can we sit down and talk? In private?"

I felt Levi turn to me. "Talk with her, see what she has to say. Meet me back up for dinner."

I began to protest, but Levi stopped me, handing me a key. "I'm not going anywhere kid, but she might. Use this to let yourself in." That shut me up. Somehow, he always found a way to do that. Nodding, I watched his retreating form till the door clicked shut. I went around and plopped on the couch, gesturing for Mikasa to do the same.

After she settled in the recliner in front of me she took a deep breath, preparing herself. "This is probably going to make you even more mad, but just hear me out." I nodded, all be waving her off to continue. In truth, I was curious as to what excuse she had to offer.

"Those rumors you heard? They were true. I met someone shortly after Carla was diagnosed. And I used her illness as an excuse for not showing up to school. It's bad, Eren, what I've done but I'm done lying to you. The person I met, her name is Annie, she's from back home." By back home, I knew she meant Shiganshina. "I'd sneak out while you were at school to meet her. Cause the thing is, she's in a lot of debt from these jerk ass gang bangers. She needed the money, so I don't blame her.

She told me her story. She had to pay off her rent for another month because her dad's an abusive alcoholic that does nothing for a living. He beats the shit out of her. But anyways, she started selling weed, what I supplied her with cause I know how to make it. The thing was, these gang shits came knocking at her door and demanded double the money. So, I offered to sleep around for the cash. I did it, for her. Eren, I'm sorry but she was so desperate and for once I wanted to help. We just now got enough money to pay those shitheads off. And I came back because, I need to ask a favor of you. It's shitty of me to ask but I can't let her stay in that environment. Annie, she really deserves so much better."

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