A Twist

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(So I forgot to post this part and well, here it is now. I'm so sorry. I'm a ditz sometimes so here, have THREE parts, like there should have been.)

Two lazy fingers circling feather light patterns on my chest rouse me from what had to be the best night of sleep I'd had in ages. Levi laid with his head pressed into the crook of my neck, his breath tingling my skin. I tightened the arm I had around his shoulder, drawing his attention to my face.

His enticing steel blue eyes stared up at me and I stared back. We stayed like that, absorbing each other's features what seemed to be a small eternity all in itself. Surprisingly, Levi was the first to break the peaceful silence. "Morning."

I couldn't help my smile. It felt nice like this, to be so comfortable with another human being. I never knew how relaxed I could be with someone other than family.

"Morning." I said.

Levi didn't say anything else, his eyes went down cast to where his fingers still teased the middle of my chest. I leaned my head back, relishing in the placid atmosphere.

Then the façade all but vanished. A panic welled up inside my chest. I had known Levi all of two weeks at most. I'd known him for such a short amount of time, yet... I hopped right into bed with him.

I thought I wouldn't regret anything, right?

Did Levi think less of me? Did he think I'd just jump into bed with anyone, knowing them for only two weeks or not?

Or maybe he was just entertaining my fantasies of him. Maybe he felt bad for the boy who was loosing everything and didn't want to bring him more anguish by rejecting him. My mind swirled with everything that could be happening. That none of what I had shared with him had been genuine. I cringed at the thought.

"Is there a damn Macy's Day Parade going on in here or what?" Levi's sollen voice pulled me out of my thoughts, his finger prodding into my chest.

His piercing eyes were looking at me again and I felt as if he could see right through me. That he could clearly see all the doubt and negativity I was thinking about. I opened my mouth but closed it.

I didn't want to ruin this. Levi didn't pull me as the type to just sleep with anyone, let alone let a virgin top, right?

My mind was full on blazing now with all my doubts and fears. Levi was still staring, arching a perfect brow.

"What is it?" He asked, but there was a faint tenderness to his voice.

I looked away, clenching my jaw together. I inhaled a shaky breath before spilling, "I wouldn't just... go to bed with anyone." I exhaled, refusing to meet his eyes.

Terrified of the possible anger there.

Instead I was greeted with a loud sigh. "Listen to me, Eren. Because words aren't exactly my thing." Levi said, the mention of my name brining my eyes to his.

Prompting himself on an elbow, Levi never broke eye contact. "I know what your thinking. And before you think anything else stupid, I'll say this." Levi paused, looking down at my bare chest before saying, "yeah, we've only known each other two weeks. But if you think for a second that I've ever experienced this pull to anyone else, you're wrong. I didn't sleep with you just because I thought it'd be fun. I didn't take you out because of some charity, and I did not say yes to your little proposal of having," Levi gestured between us. "A relationship. Fuck, I just said that. Before you, every little work boy Erwin's sent my way I had quitting within a week. But not you. You took this job and handled it like a fucking pro. You've got your demons, Eren. You're imperfect and that's what makes you seem so damn perfect. I... shit, I sound so sappy right now. Do you get it, or do I have to spell it out for you?"

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