Sticky words and phrases

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(So this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest but they are all important. Some more Levi and Eren action. My cuties. This fic, wow I have gotten a lot more reviews than I'd ever expect. You guys are all amazing! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I want to apologize if there is typos as well because no matter how many times I go over the words there is always something  that can be fixed. XC Sorry!



Identifying the one of my many demons that possessed me to lean in and shut the poor brat up was near impossible. But for god's sake, Eren had a shitty life point blank, a life that I had once been to all familiar with.

Hell, still am familiar with.

He looked like a sicken lost puppy while he rambled on and on. The blank tear-stained face he wore. Pangs of ache filled me till I couldn't take it. Till I leaned in. Till those poor tears subsided. Being the uncomforting shithead I was, I did the only thing I was sure I was good at.

Now, alas, here I was resting on my couch with a fucked-up beyond belief brat snoring lightly on my bare chest. I had learned more about him in those 5 minutes I could write a story featuring completely on him. Eren's hand had been clutching onto my waist. I shifted, irritably wanting to have a shirt on. Eren didn't stir, his chocolate brown hair fell at the bridge of his nose.

Eren was beautiful, simply put. His eyes were what allured me the most. Blue yet green, green yet blue. With his eyes, and the way he didn't completely buckle under my glare. I hesitantly brushed the fallen hair off his forehead, smoothing it's silky softness back with the base of my palm. I studied his chiseled jawline. The way his adam's apple bobbed up and down when he swallowed convulsively.

Even with the beauty held in this brat, I didn't do virgins. No way in hell. And it was more than obvious Eren was. I, myself had been taking it up the ass since I was 14. I liked being filled. I liked being in one's center of attention. As fucked as that is, it is who I am. Taking him out last night to the club, simply because in his own way he had challenged me, I was merely fucking with him.

Or at least, that's what I kept telling myself.

In all honesty though, that's what I was ever about. A good fuck. Then move on. Break the kid's heart so he'd go running to Erwin that his intuition was wrong yet again.

But damn, why the hell did Erwin have to assign me with such a beautiful kid? And not even that, this kid has home issues that obviously on some level I understood. I hadn't bothered to ask Eren why or how his mother was dying but it sounded like absolute hell.

I grimaced. I couldn't fuck with this kid. No, that would be pure shitty. I still found it rather amusing however, how dead set he was to deny his sexuality when he had a hard on with one roll of my hips.

Eren finally curled into the couch off my body. I slipped completely from underneath him, starting for my bedroom's shower. I felt grimy. I shoved a hand throw my hair. I had actually slept most of the day away. Which was extremely rare for me. I usually could only sleep six, seven hours at the most. But whatever the reason, I felt zoned.

Starting the shower, I moved my head underneath the warm drizzle. Droplets scattered into my eyes, I swiped them away only to be refilled again. I reached up for the shampoo Erwin had given to me as a gift and winced as if I was in pain.

It made sense why the arrogant prick had assigned the kid to me, whether Erwin knew Eren's background or not.

He was really trying to do away with those final strings the had been attached for far too brief. Because no matter how much I wanted Erwin, or had wanted, he would never be mine.

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