Tensions upon Releasing

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(A/N; Update! Hope you guys enjoy!)

It'd been a whole month plus some since me and Levi had been together. Now in February, there was a tension I hadn't noticed at first.

It hadn't vaguely occurred to me that Levi would ever feel the need to hide something from me. He was too blunt and right to the point with shit.

Or so I thought he was.

If it wasn't snapping at me for futile things, it was purely ignoring. But the only thing my mind could conjure up as to what Levi's behavior was from could possibly be that I had taken up on another part-time job, one that pays. And while I'd finally gotten to a senior that only had to showed to only a few classes per day, my newer job had me on my feet more than often. I had little to no time outside of my two occupations I'd taken up on. I still ran back forth between Trost and the publishing office for Levi's errands even though he was way more lenient with me since I first started working under him.

So maybe it was because I didn't have more time for... us?

I didn't know. The wall was forged between us like it had been when we first met. I'd lessen the calls I tried to make to him, feeling sickly rejected. He'd let me sleep with him still, but our comfort zone with each other was slowly diminishing. I felt if I tried to move onto him he'd snap. And really had no idea what to do about it.

Both of us too stubborn to make a move to talk about the tensions, I for one couldn't mentally function my brain around trying to figure out what was going on through Levi's head. It was hard enough, watching the number on my mother's scan going back and forth between normal and below average.

I thought he knew that.

I slowed my pace. I was walking back from my job at a convenient store right by Trost. My paychecks had doubled since starting there, just in the little month I'd been there so that was a plus. I thought things were going good. I had gotten all my grades up, surprisingly. I had most my credits. I had two part time jobs that were both supporting me fundamentally and financially.

At this point I should be saying that me and Levi were better than ever. But that wasn't the case.

I blowed down on my frigid hands. The snow fell around me as the sun set in the east, I placed lightly on that cold abandoned sidewalk. I decided if he was still ignoring me when I got there, I'd say something. I was tired of trudging around Levi as if one thin, thin ice.

Riding the elevator up to his condo once in Trost I felt a cold sweat move down my spine. I didn't want to make things worse but I didn't want not speaking to each other to be a norm kind of thing. I wouldn't have that kind of life with Levi.

I unlocked the door of his apartment, kicking my snowed fed shoes off by the mat. Levi was sitting on the couch flipping through channels with a look of concentration as if the TV wasn't what he was looking at the screen itself. I decided on the recliner not to far from him. He didn't acknowledge me but this time I was sure it was because of whatever thought he was holding.

I sighed once.

Still nothing.

I sighed louder.


I sighed so fucking loud it went through my nose and out through my mouth causing me a fit of coughs.

I looked up and was relieved to receive his signature glare.

"What the fuck are you trying to do? Inhale air?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't say you already inhaled air as it was. Cause that'd get me nowhere unfortunately.

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