Slow for Time

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(Pov's switch. This starts with Levi's pov first.)


Damned kid.

The last thing I had expected of Eren was a redo of himself, looking fine and dangerous. The sex appeal practically oozed off of him and he didn't have the slightest clue. He could have 'virgin' slapped to his forehead and you'd still doubts.

If it were anyone else besides me that is.

Eren's big emerald eyes were looking down at me confused. I had yet to quit my up down on him and get our asses inside. I shoved a hand through my hair before grabbing his wrist, hauling him into the club. Moving through the mix of bodies heading towards the back, my footing not missing a beat. The loud music was bouncing but didn't stop the thoughts echoing in my head.

It was taking all myself restraint not to up and leave this place. I wanted run my fingers through those locks of chocolate hair. I wanted to palm my hands against that chest that wouldn't disappoint. I wanted to get the fuck out of here but like hell I'd leave when I promised him a show.

A fucking show he'd get.

Somehow this brat had wormed his way past all my walls without so much as lifting a finger. He made me forget all about Erwin and any feelings I ever had towards him. He made me want. He made me need. And it terrified me. I would never admit it, but Eren was more than some mere fuck toy. The thought of anyone else having him revolted me to no ends. I craved having his body withering under mine. I longed for the taste of him.

He was mine.

Stopping in my tracks at the thought, Eren slammed right into me. I bout tumbled forward if it weren't the strong arm that snaked around my waist to stop my fall.

"Levi? You okay?" Eren asked as he set me upright.

My eyes felt wide but I started to nod, about to shout over the music at him a reply when he was tackled to the floor.

Hanji had always been one quick to recover, she pointed an accusing finger at him. "You little shit! So sneaky, are we?"

Eren just cocked his head, looking at her like the psychopath she was. The gesture was beyond cute.

Fuck. Cute? I was using the word cute?

Hanji pulled him up from the floor and we settled at a table in back where the music wasn't as loud.

Hanji fanned annoyance which really didn't suit her. Even if I let the fact that Eren's 17 slip, she still felt the unnecessary need to point it out to Eren. By the way he was staring at her with a bewilder expression was all to show he had no idea what Hanji was trying so hard to be responsible about. I didn't blame her, it was her club. And if Eren was ever caught there'd be shit to pay but I knew Hanji wasn't about to snitch.

The glares turned into a rather loud sigh, she said: "Fine, I don't care. Just no more than two shots of alcohol, you hear?" Hanji eyed Eren for his agreement before she turned to me, her facing lighting up. "I'll go get your stage all dazzled up for you."

I flicked my eyes at her with a nod. And she was gone along with her hectics. I got two glasses from the table over, wiping them down before leaving Eren for a second to grab a bottle. I didn't even care what kind. I just needed something for my nerves. It'd been awhile since I'd done what I was planning on.

"What were her panties in a twist for?" Eren asked as I sat back down. I passed him the drink, smiling as he visibly turned his nose to the contentment. He caught it before I could make it disappear.

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