Actions Speak for Lips

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A whole week had passed since I'd last seen Mikasa. But to many surprise, a lot has happened in this last week.

For one, Erwin made a personal visit to Levi's apartment unannounced while me and Levi had been, well a tangled, hot, sweaty mess. That was Monday night, and much to anyone's dismay, Erwin stood there the entire smiling like the big creep he was till we noticed him. Levi looked about ready to murder the blondie wonder eyebrows, his fuming state unnerving me.

Turns out, Erwin had stopped by for a message to Levi from Rico, (why they couldn't have called was beyond me), congratulating him for making New-York times award for the third time in a row. Levi blew it off as some check from a grocery list will I sat gaping at him. He'd be making a big speech of sorts in New York City in another week's time, during the weekend so I'd get to witness him in action. I was still thinking what gift I'd get him for winning such an award but everything I thought of was too original.

As that week wore on, I hadn't been to sleep in my own bed since the first night I'd been over at Levi's. He claimed he was too cold without me, which was a lie to cover up his feelings. I still made an effort to go downstairs and take care of mom's usual. Her vitals had caught my eye, slipping numbers. The cold sweat I'd been was soothed by Levi, guilt flaming me because I usually he lost his mother too. That he understood the pain.

I was slowly but surely bringing my grades up, all thanks to Armin's tutoring sessions. While my blonde friend would pick at me about my grades any chance he'd get, Armin was really all too willing to help. But it usually meant studying with his horse-like boyfriend, a sad, sad con.

Hanji and Petra had a knack for coming and visiting after hours when me and Levi are usually lazing around watching movies or something for dinner. I found the more I observed them, the two together had to share something. There had to be something there with the way they looked at each other. Hanji told me stories of when he was little because they'd been childhood friends. She talked so much, telling me his mother would have him dress in cute, frilly dresses just cause he made them work. While Levi would try to scowl the entire time, he'd slip up every time I busted out laughing to crack a smile. Petra would be the end of Hanji's rampages, probably sensing of Levi's patience wearing thin.

Then after they'd leave, Levi would let loose and attack my neck with his lips. I was sure he was getting me back for those two hickeys I gave him, now doubling my feat with spots all over my neck and collarbone. We'd gotten pretty hot and heavy, Levi ravishing my body but when he told me to spread my legs, like the idiot I am, I hesitated. Levi had tossed the bottle of lube at me, not mentioning it to my appease and let me take him.

I'd be ready for him one day, and when I was, I wanted him to make love to me, not just sex or a fuck. I told him so, but instead of brushing it off with some sarcastic words, he agreed. It was so endearing that he'd wait for me that it almost made me eager.

And that about brought me to now, sitting up in his study editing his papers. Levi had told me he liked how I was able to catch his mistakes but I was just floating at the idea of reading the drafts of my favorite book series.

"Are you done? I want to go out for dinner." Levi said from the doorframe. His hair was wind blown, laying scattered on his face. His chiseled cheeks were a faint pink from the cold January air about. He oozed hot male and I had to take a moment to appreciate that he was my boyfriend. Even with the mess I'd been in with Mikasa, and the pain of my mother, Levi had a way of making this life worth living.

Check off one more mark, I stood stretching my arms to the air. "Yeah, I've been craving a burger and fries."

"Greasy, but okay." Levi said, a faint smirk twitching at his lips.

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