What happens twice will happen thrice

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(HO! HO! HO! I have a gift for you all from me to you. Anyone wants to guess? Haha I'll just tell you anyways.

Smut! I have brought beautiful, tough to write smut. And that is also your warning if you aren't into smut. 

This is actually on time and I'm pretty proud of myself. Tell me what you guys think of it. XD smut can be difficult so I am curious as to what you guys think of it. And without a further of do..


"Oi, off with the jacket now, Jaeger."

Levi was looking overly subtle on the loveseat, going for another shot of his drink. And while it was tempting to be a brat and regard him with throwing a fit, unfortunately I had agreed to his terms of the little game.

Really. A game of strip chess.

Levi suggested the game after the girls had left. I had simply nodded, not sure what kind of game he meant. I suppose he has a kink for stripping and every wrong move I try against his highness meant one less article of clothing for me.

As it was for me though, quite just a giggle fest of a game. My mind was far too gone to care what he might think of my nakedness when he won. Cause it was obvious that he had every intent to. I heaved a sigh through my nose, ridding of the jacket.

Then I focused back to the table in front of me. I was sitting on the floor now while Levi was perched on the couch, swigging down another shot. It amazed me how much alcohol he could manage at an amount of time.

I eyed my local pawn I could use on one of his knights into his territory. An incredulous smile twitched at my lips, my hand reaching out for the piece. Levi cocked his head at me but I was to focused on making a show of knocking his knight to the side.

"You dirty little shit." Levi spoke, his arms already moving to pull his shirt over his head.

I silently raged a tempter tantrum. He took his shirt off first to fuck with me. And damn him, it was working. His creamy skin was pale and right there in front of me bare and broad.

"I feel like I should be charging a peep show." Levi said.

I rolled my eyes. "You were the one who offered a game of stripping chess."

"Touche." Levi sits back, a knowing smirk tugging at those stupid perfect lips.

He settled for knight for a knight, picking up the piece to throw over his shoulder. I let out a chuckle earning an eye of specutivity. I stood to kick off my socks.

Levi looked bored with my choice of removal but if he wanted to screw with me I'd at least attempt to screw with him. Whether he wanted me or not was still unassured yet but I made it a personal goal to find out what exactly he wanted from me.


I was to caught up in the haze of alcohol to give two flying shits. But I was determined to have him give me a show. I knocked a pawn that was rather close to the queen.

Levi didn't falter. Tugging his belt free of his jeans only to sag them to the ground kicking them away. He stood, boxer briefs the only thing keeping me away from seeing that glorious body.

I shooed away all thoughts of pouncing him, while Levi knocked my king.

My king.


My eyes bulged out of their sockets, my mouth moving but no words made past my lips.

And there he was with that little pawn that I hadn't noticed. Smug and victorious.

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