Don't Settle for Just Words

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"Wait, what?" Levi asked up at me, disbelief coloring his features.

We were in his bed, limbs tangled upon limbs, my head resting on his chest. When Levi had told me to take him to bed, he meant it quite literal. We stripped except for boxers, he had preached that his back was all too sore for any festivities. While I'd been disappointed, I'd been pretty exhausted so I passed right out.

I'd just recited Mikasa's story I'd learned of yesterday, getting his intel of what he thought. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt. I knew some parts of me wanted to just brush it off, comparing to my constant fear for my mother but the hot headed side of me was nagging, telling me that I have things I needed to settle with her.

"What?" I asked Levi, who was now pushing me up to a sitting position, thin eyebrows scrunched together while he sat up to face me.

"What? Eren, that's a whole load of bullshit. First she goes and comes without notice then asks you for money for some chick you don't even know? Where's your brain, kid? You have every right not to be okay with that."

My lips pulled into a thin line as I stared down at my hands. I thought about what he said. And realized with a satisfaction, I wasn't okay with her excuse. Mikasa up and left mom and I to charity some stranger. She couldn't have done that for us? The people that took care of her throughout her entire life? Obviously she didn't have her priorities straight.

Why? Why would she do all that shit for some person that she'd just met? Didn't she know how worried sick I'd been, even if I was severly pissed I was still constantly worried she was living on the streets.

Which brought me to Armin. He didn't know her story, just knew she'd come back. I'd been holding so much from him when I shouldn't have. I realized with a horror how wrong everything Mikasa made to seem a justification was. Armin would have seen this, he would have realized that her intentions were twisted. And maybe that's what grief made you do. Maybe she was looking for an outlet for all the emotions she felt and was focusing it all on that girl.

I groaned, pressing my hands to my face. "What the hell am I supposed to do? I told her I'd take care of the funds she needed."

"You need to make sure she understands the shit she dropped on you, on top of having your mother to worry about. It's fucking bullshit she expects so much out of you. You're holding in school, you got yourself a part time job. Let her get her life together. Give her enough money, if you want to keep in contact with her do so. But she needs a reality check."

Nodding I cursed under my breath. I felt like I was back tracking settling with Mikasa. But Levi was right. It was bullshit she expected so much, and again, I didn't even know the fucking chick.

I squinted my eyes. "Why?" I asked aloud. "Why would she even stoop to sleeping around for some girl? She could have gotten a job."

Levi seemed to think about this for a second. "Do you know the relationship she has with the girl?" I shook my head. "Then, honestly, if they're more than mutual than I highly doubt Mikasa has been thinking rationally."

This was news to me. Was Levi insinuating that there was another feeling driving Mikasa forward?

My neck snapped back while I breathed in, my fist clenching the comforter surrounding my body. "Holy shit."

"Look, I'm not going to say there is, but think about. I know it's all a lot to take in and fuck her for doing that but I believe in you, Eren." Levi said before yanking me by my arm so he could kiss my cheek. I relaxed into his touch, feeling of being light weight.

"I'll get it through to her." I murmured, my stomach fluttering as Levi's lips travel to my jawline.

"Mhm." He murmured against my skin, the sound vibrating through my cheek. I slouched into him, letting him tug my body up so his lips were still connected to my skin. He nibbled on my earlobe, shooting goose bumps on my arms before shoving me away to start what felt to be our morning routine.

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