Between Breathing and Living

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(Update time! Hope you guys enjoy!)

I'd been standing in a convenient store for over an hour. Still nothing came to me.

"Why don't you just buy him flowers?" Armin asked me. I dragged him along with me to get his opinion of what I should buy Levi to congratulate him on winning his author's award.

So far we'd gotten no where. Even though I moved the tutoring sessions with Armin over to Levi's place, excluding Jean, so Armin could observe Levi enough to get a feel of what he might prefer. Cause the thing was, I was so uncreative it was downright sad. I was hoping Armin could think of something but he really couldn't wrap his mind around what Levi tastes would be.

I couldn't blame him. I could barely wrap my brain around Levi. He was too damn complex.

I groaned, taking a seat by a shelf of stockings. Flowers were to cheap. Something big was too extravagant.

I heard Armin sigh. "Eren, honestly I think he'd be fine with whatever you got him."

He was right. I knew Levi wouldn't care if I got him a pair of damn socks, he'd still be fine that I even tried. Honestly, he was probably expecting just that.

"Oh!" I thought aloud, pulling my phone out. I could feel Armin's stare but I kept scrolling through my contacts till I found my target.

Dialing the number, I waited. "Helloo?" Hanji's voice cooed through the speaker.

"Hey, Hanji. Is Petra with you?" I asked. It hadn't occurred to me till now that these two both knew Levi well enough. I would rack their brains about a gift for Levi.

"She sure is. Whatcha need, babycakes?"

I told her to meet me at a Hobby Lobby downtown and I'd be there soon. Turning to Armin, I told him my plan before snatching his wrist and pulling him out of the useless store towards his car.

About 20 minutes later, I was strolling up to the Hobby Lobby, Armin following behind.

"Eren! Over here!" I heard Hanji call, waving at me frantically.

She and Petra were bundled up in big coats, as were me and Armin. Armin shot me a skeptical look but followed me anyways. I smiled when we reached them, letting Hanji tackle me with her usual bear hug.

"So, what's up?" Petra asked as we made our way inside.

I scratched the back of my head before answering. "I was wondering what you guys think Levi would like from me as a gift for winning his award?"

Petra seemed to think for a moment but Hanji grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to meet her maniac grin.

"Wrap yourself in red ribbon, while being naked of course, and make a seductive pose for him!"

I pushed her shoulders back. "No." I stated firmly.

She pursed her lips. "Strip tease?"

"Hanji, no. I'd prefer to have clothes on." Armin was snickering. I shot him the deadliest glare I could muster before Hanji had my attention again.

"Take him out on a boat, like a pond area, and make sweet love to him." She wiggled her brows.

I groaned. This wasn't going anywhere.

"Hanji, do you know where in this store I could find some good historical books?" Armin asked her.

Hanji all but jumped him. "Yes! I buy historical books here all the time! I'll show you my favorite aisle!" Hanji clasped Armin's hand, dragging him along. "Titans! Titans! Titans!" Hanji kept chanting in maniacal draul.

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