Loose Tied Ends

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A/N- Hello, I stalled again because I decided this was the final chapter of Dissolve. I felt that it was unnecessary to stretch it out anymore than I already had and while I'm so happy for all the support and the fun of writing this fic, I am sad that it had come to a close. But worry not! I have a new fic, one I am much more confident in posting on Ao3, and it should be coming out very soon! Excited? Hope so. Well, thank you to those that have sticked for the ride, this was quite the learning experience. I know some of the shit I threw in the fic was not my best, but there is a first to everything right? This may be my first fic, bit it won't be my last. I love you all, so thanks for everything! This chapter is heavy on Eren and Levi but that is to be expected.


Trying not fidget as I steered the wheel in the car became a difficult task. Eren sat in the passenger seat next to me, his eyes trained on the road ahead, release papers in hand. Sneaking sideways glances at the male that's been ruling my life as of late, I couldn't help but notice the way he chewed his lip. Eren hadn't been out in the world in almost three weeks, right down into the beginning of March.

Cutting a right, I could see Trost from here, the skyline building standing tall. I couldn't decipher why I was a bundle of racking nerves around Eren. Yes, he didn't remember me but I had never been this worried how to act around him in the first place, not when we had met. I'd always lived in my cool exterior, never wavering at whatever someone threw my way. Eren Jaeger had been included.

But now I felt my stomach in my ass just with the way he was acting so nervous himself. Eren had every right to be nervous. Me? Not so much. So I asked, trying and pleading with the still air around us for some strike of conversations.

"Nervous?" I spoke softly, surprising myself with how calm my voice echoed in my brain as I pulled up in the parking lot.

Eren's gorgeous eyes snapped to mine, his lip finally released from the grasp of his teeth. "Oh, I guess so. It feels weird coming back here." Eren looked to the tall apartment complex, his eyes taking a distant appearance.

"There's really nothing left for me here, is there."

It wasn't a question. He stated it. And my heart squeezed immensely, a wave of nausea settle over me at his broken sentence. His amnesia had taken him from me. But I was going to win him back. I'd never been so goddamn determined before, but watching Eren leave me wasn't an option. Assembling myself out of the car, I got his small bag of luggage before I came to open his door for him. Eren moved to get out of the car, but he was still uneasy on his feet, falling into my chest. I was able to snake an arms around his waist, stopping the fall. Hands rested on my chest, Eren breathed in uneven puffs.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned the moment his face went pale.

"Yes." Eren answered automatically, though his shortage of breath told me otherwise. Helping him aways from the car, I slammed the door, locking it behind me. Eren kept his hand trained on the small of my waist, his eyes looking ahead as we made it into Trost. The snow covered banks were finally melting as it was spring was rolling in.

Eren's proximity seemed to have settled down, leaning back against the wall of the elevator when I prodded my level. I set him back with a look he'd know all too well. His scowl was almost laughable.

"I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy." He turned his cheek to the side, signifying that topic was a closed case. I didn't push, just bounced on the balls of my feet. The elevator was taking it's time as usual, my nerves were biting at the back of my neck and I kept telling myself to breathe.

I was concerned about something triggering Eren at my place, something that might have been painful to remember. Rebuilding what had been only a mere two months was beginning to show it's difficulty. It wasn't that Eren was hostile, he could be, but more he wanted to be left alone. At least that's what the hints he dropped on me. I felt as if I was intruding on his space, even when I promised him to tell me when enough was enough for him.

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