Books and Poles (part 2)

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(Warning: This has teasing smut so if you cannot handle so, I suggest you don't read this part. If you do, then.....


If someone were to ask me years later, 'Yo, Eren what's a gay strip bar like?', I would be able to answer with a perfect answer. At this very moment, however, I was helplessly unsure.

Levi had pulled up in front of a building that I could only describe as nefarious. It wasn't like that was necessarily bad.

It also wasn't good.

Levi leered at me, his eyes were clouded with a sort of in a tizzy tumultuous. If he was so goddamn excited then I felt I had a reason to scared. Bristling out of the car, motioning for me to follow. I groaned inwardly, somehow managing my footing to fall after him.

The entrance was guarded by two walls of muscles, who, looked like they were fighting the urge to laugh in my face after giving me an up down. Levi jutted a thumb at me.

"He's with me."

Muscles nodded at him, giving me another bemused look. My lips pulled into a straight line. Seriously wasn't in the mood to be a laughing stock.

Walking in, Levi lead me through the front doors. My body was filled with pulsating music. I could feel my steps vibrating. My eyes widened as I scanned the area. Bodies grinding on bodies. Smoke, alcohol, and sex filled the air.

One thought alone kept running through my head; I didn't belong here.

Levi finally lead me to the back part of the massive room, the music wasn't as loud. I could actually hear myself think. I turned to Levi with pleading eyes. Hoping he would understand this wasn't me.

I was interrupted.


He snapped his head at the new voice, taking a step to the side. Then I was crushed with what I was sure a monster.

With tits. A monster with tits. Somehow that didn't confuse me as much as the place I had found myself in.

"Hanji. Hanji, don't smother him." Levi's voice retorted the monster with tits that I presumed to be Hanji.

"Oh, shit, my bad!" When I could finally breathe, my eyes focusing on a woman with 90s looking glasses, dark burgundy hair pulled up in a ponytail. She had a slim figure, rather on the tall side. She wore what I could only assume to be a lab coat around a leather black body.

"Who's this new cutie you got now, hrmmm Levi?" She turned to him then gasped.

Maybe I wasn't the only one who couldn't fathom Levi's getup.

"You're going on tonight?!" She practically squealed with delight. "Damnit, I should have brought another pair of panties."

He eyed her with an annoyed look, but there was warmth behind it. "One, he is my new errand boy. That's it, so get that look off your shitty face." He scowled at her.

"Sure, sure, go on." She sneered, bumping him lightly with her elbow.

Rolling his eyes Levi turned to me. "Kid you're about to see my 'hobby' so have Hanji help you get comfortable."

He barely had the sentence out before Hanji was pulling me by the arm. "I got this lil cutie. Go on, go on." She waved a dismissive hand.

When I looked back he was already gone. Like he usually disappeared.

Sitting me down at a table the music died down, people wearing lining up by the massive bar, Hanji handed me a drink. I took it, figuring it'd be pointless to argue about it with her. Not with her spunk anyways.

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