Someday I'll See You, Love

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Ah, yes, I remember that day like it was yesterday. The torture I felt as I watched her slip away. The life slowly draining from her eyes, which resembled the ponds and lakes of my countryside in January. How she died with her only hope being that she would see me again in her reincarnated life. What a laugh. Ha. Hahahahaha.


If only such things were true...


"See you soon, Arthur."

Tears made of liquid crystal filled his emerald eyes, his face heating. They fell silently and onto her porcelain pale features, leaving trails on her cheeks as though she was the one crying and not him.

He quickly reached to her face, head resting in his lap, and closed her eyelids over her eyes with shaking fingertips, wanting to see the dead winter pools no longer. He tried desperately to hold back his tears as he held up the ring to eye level. It had a simple silver band and sported an aquamarine jewel.

He then closed his hand into a fist, the ring inside. He remembered the words embedded into the ring by heart, not that he could have read them through his hot and viciously falling tears.

Forever our love shall last until the day I part. E + A

He laughed weakly as though trying to rid his system of his grief.

"I hope you do, Lizzie. I hope we do see each other soon, duckling," he whispered through his tears, making them come back stronger, before unclipping the chain around her neck, which held the ring he was supposed to get. "I am sincerely sorry for lying, though."

With that, he stood up, placing her head softly on the cushioned floor, before walking over to the window, where he reached his hand out and dropped the ring and chain to the man stationed below.

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now