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                The current of the river pushes me down to the lower part that is calm. The water fills my mouth and lungs, and it's very uncomfortable. I keep twitching, wanting to swim to the surface for air. I keep myself from moving for as long as I can until my chest begins to hurt and I can't take it anymore. I reach my arm up, but my vision is already going black. The water surrounds me and holds me like a cradle as I struggle against myself, trying to not swim to the surface because I know, if I do, I'll be burned. The feeling starts to go away, and I feel blissful after a moment, closing my eyes and relaxing but not going to sleep just yet. I then feel arms under my back, and I somehow know it's my best friend as he tries to press me to his chest and swim to the surface, but before I can even be pressed to his chest I'm gone, asleep in the blissful darkness, and I am forced to leave his side before I can forgive him...

Note that this part is very personal. This is one of my memories; I'm just using it for this story. This girl, truly, was me, and she lived in Maine during the time of the Salem Witch Trials. Maine was part of Massachusetts then, and Salem was in Massachusetts. My best friend ratted me out, telling that I was psychic to save his own family and himself, mainly himself, and I was thrown in a dungeon for days. By this time, I was already blind. I could still see light, though, but this cell was complete blackness to me. The only thing I had for comfort was a man I quickly came to think of as my grandfather. He would secretly bring me food and hold my hand to comfort me in spite of the fact he may have had to go through what I did. I was drowned during the trial because the waters were rough, and my best friend, ten at the time, realised his mistake too late. 

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now