Author's Note

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I'm sorry, and this is completely irrelevant to the story, but the way people assume ghosts to look just pisses me off. They think that they're just bloody floating sheets or that they have no legs or some crap like that. They're not. They're bloody people like you and I. Also, they aren't restricted to just ghosts. There are also spirits of nature, such as river spirits. Most aren't even here to bloody haunt, and, if they do haunt, just tell them to bugger off or listen to them. Usually,  they have a good reason to haunt. They may be trying to get your help because they are forced to be ghosts by restless spirits. If you listen closely enough, you can even learn how and exactly, to-the-point where they died. It's truly not that hard, and that bloody 'ghost hunting' equipment is codswallop and ultimately useless. Just use your minds, people; if you think you're being haunted, meditate, listen out for their words, and watch out for signs they may give and/or flashbacks of their own they may show you. 


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