Pleas For Help

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... Please tell me you'll be able to come and visit soon. I just want a close friend by my side who won't think I'm crazy. I know it's a ridiculous thing to ask, and it doesn't help that you're a country, but I need someone to comfort me. My Pappi wouldn't understand, and Arthur would think I'm insane. Please do come if you are able.


It broke Francis' heart to read it. She was so hurt as to carelessly throw her death onto paper and send it into another country, not caring if it was read along the way. She hadn't even tried to cover up what she was writing about.

After a moment, though, he crumpled the paper in his fist. She had mentioned him again. No, not her Arthur, but the boy. She spoke as though he had also taken her heart, and Francis was, simply put, pissed. He had been doing everything in his power to push them together again, and now he comes into the picture. 

However, he quickly spreads the letter back out on his desk, not wanting to ruin it. He still wanted to keep all of the letters that he didn't send off. Soon, his own letter was being written in response to her desperate plea.

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now