The Post

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He read through the letter, his large, brown eyebrows furrowing the more he read. The page had many scribble marks, including over the name of the original sender, the original receiver, and the last paragraph until they were unreadable, and the envelope had been no more help in telling him who sent it. Finally, he settled for reading the part that hadn't been scribbled out.


Tears fell from his emerald eyes, his pale hands hiding his face, minus a small crack so he could still look at the letter. How? he thought. How is it possible? Reincarnation isn't real, and Lizzie was never reincarnated... His eyes widened as he finally saw the last sentence. 

P.S.~ I always told Arthur that the flower was not why I loved the colour.

His eyes dried as the thought rang through his head.

Maybe... Maybe she did come back... he thought as he brought his hand to a necklace he wore, baring a silver band and blue-green jewel. 

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now