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They ran through the woods, hand in hand to make sure she did not trip over roots unseen to her blind eyes. Her black hair fluttered in the spring wind behind her, skin pale as death itself. She looked sickly, but the stubborn will to live could be read in her smile, if not in her clouded, midnight blue eyes. He had dirty blonde hair and a cowlick, along with just as stained, dirty clothing as she. If one looked closely enough, they would be able to tell it was his clothes she wore.

"Haha! There it is!" the much taller boy yelled out just as she could hear flowing water and smell a rain-like smell. He stopped in his tracks, almost causing the girl to fall forward. "I told you there was a creek out here, dudette!" He seemed to notice how she almost fell right into the water and reached out, catching her in his arms, tanned and strong from working in the fields. "Watch it, there! You would've fallen in if it wasn't for the hero!" he said just as loudly as ever, earning a goofy smile from the tomboyish girl.

"You're the one saying that to a newly blind girl," she said sarcastically as she was pulled back up to a standing position.

"Oh. Yeah..." he said sheepishly. She punched his arm lightly before asking a question.

"How deep is it?" she asked, earning a confused him from him. "The creek. How deep is it?"

"Um, not too deep, I suppose. Maybe to my knees-"

"Good enough for me!" While he had been talking, she had taken off the socks and boots she had borrowed from him and rolled up the pants. She laughed loudly before blindly taking a step forward, hands out in front of her in case she fell.

"... but it's hard to tell with the mud."

Immediately, she fell in, the water almost going to her shoulders. She squeaked in surprise, and he laughed obnoxiously at her misfortune, putting his hands on his knees to keep from falling over.

"Hey! If you're the hero, get me out of here!" she whined. He quickly stood back up, wiping a tear away before kneeling down, hooking his arms under hers, and lugging her out. As soon as she was back on dry land, she slipped from his grasp and tackled him onto the leaf covered ground. They both wrestled, him hardly doing anything to keep from hurting her, until he was just as sopping wet as she, both laughing. "Got you! That's what you get for laughing at me!" she said through giggles. Finally, she rolled off of him, both gasping for air.

"Okay, okay, dudette!" he said, catching his breath.

After a minute or so of the two catching their breath, the boy hopped up before gently pulling her up and to his side. "Let's pick some blueberries! This clearing is surrounded by the bushes!" he said happily, leading her over to one of them. 

Slowly, he pushed her in front of him, taking her small hand gently in his own. She could feel the warmth from his hand seeping into her cold, tiny one. Carefully, he led her hand through a tangle of branches and helped her grab onto a cluster of the aforementioned berries. Her cheeks lit up, and she couldn't tell if she was becoming sick once again or not. He helped her get her hand back out, fingers still held over hers.

A moment passed, the only sound their breathing and the rustling of leaves as he got his own blueberries. A soft smile reached her face as a berry was held to her lips, and she opened her mouth, letting him place it in. She savoured the sour taste, chewing slowly and humming her delight.

Soon, she found her hand being lifted to his mouth, and he took a berry from the cluster she held. The heat in her cheeks grew, a small smile lighting up her face and a giggle escaping her lips.

"Let's play again, A-" His name was cut from her lips in the memory I have now, as though it disappeared, the first letter the only hint I have...

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now