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So... I guess this is a good time to end this memory and to say goodbye. Please answer back soon. I miss the letters you sent me before I ran, and I want one so that my spirits may be lifted again. Pappi is nice, but he wouldn't believe me if I told him about my last life, let alone way back then. 

Best regards and good luck,                                                  

                                                                        Who I am for now, Virginia ---------

P.S.~ I still miss him. I wish I had been able to go with him, to run away from my post as an 'illegitimate' princess that day.

The rest of her name was scribbled out, not that he could have read it through his tears. He remembered that day. He had come back to see her and for supplies. It was a year and a half since he had seen her last, and he had planned on selfishly taking her on his ship. He never wanted to leave her side again, but he had been forced to by her position as princess, even if rendered 'illegitimate.' 

Why hadn't I found a way to bring her with me, to keep her with me longer? he thought. So many years of her life, so many moments we could have had together, lost because I didn't fight to keep her at my side.

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now