Run Away With Me

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The redheaded girl stood straight, a hairnet decorated with pearls holding her hair and wearing a silken lavender and violet dress, gold embroidery clashing with gentle colours. Her ice blue eyes were snapping from ship to ship at the docks, looking for a specific one. Finally, she saw it. 

The beautiful, weather beaten vessel had a British flag flying high above it, along with the Jolly Roger above that. On the ship stood a man in what looked to be his twenties, adorned with a captain's coat and hat. That is, a pirate captain's. 

She hurried up, finding it relatively easy to do so, as the other people on the docks didn't want to be anywhere near the ship of the most feared pirate to sail the seven seas. However, she seemed just as rushed as they did, except for the fact she wanted to reach him rather than to get away.

Suddenly, his emerald eyes locked on her own, and he practically ran to meet her. He picked her up by the waist and spun her around in the air. A small smile graced her features, the hairnet falling to the ground and allowing her frizzy, long hair to spin with her. Finally, he pulled her in for a tight hug, burying his face in her neck, and she returned it, although a bit reluctantly and with a bright red blush. 

After a few minutes and gasps from the surrounding crowd, he pulled away, although he didn't let go of her. She moved her hands so they were pressed against his chest and placed her head above them, lulled into a sleepy state by his heartbeat. With closed eyes, she asked the question on her mind. 

"Arthur, are you coming home this time? His highness has been requesting you for a while now, and I've..." She paused, her blush growing. "I've missed you," she finished. 

He pet her fiery red hair gently, sighing. "I'm afraid not, duckling. My crew and I are only here for supplies," he answered. "And it still angers me that you have to call your own father by such a title and then be deprived of your own," he added, earning a mild shake of the head from her.

"It's fine, truly, Arthur. I just want to see you more than every six months or more," she said, sadness dripping from her voice. He wrapped a lock of her hair around a few of his fingers, bringing it up to his nose to smell the scent of lavender.

"You know, Lizzie," he started, earning a quiet scoff from her, although it seemed forced. "You could always run off with me. You could become a pirate at my side and never have to see this place again, leave your horrible father and bloody demon of a halfsister. We could travel the globe, weather storms, find treasure, go on adventures, and you would never once have to leave my side." He paused. "Run away with me, Elizabeth," he pleaded like a small child, and the girl began to shake. She wanted to. Ever so badly, she wanted to, but she knew she could not. 

"What about this country, Arthur? What about Edward? And Robin? They need me here, and his highness will go bloody mad looking for me, only to punish both me and you upon finding us. I wouldn't want to do that to you, nor bind you to the land once again by keeping you here with me," she said, pulling away and holding her arms about herself. "I... I guess I'll go..." she mumbled, but she was stopped by a calloused hand grabbing her wrist. She turned back around to see the man's normal, arrogant smirk, although sadness shone in his emerald eyes.

"Don't go just yet, Lizzie," he said, and she was too surprised to correct him. He pulled her back to his side before reaching into his pocket with one hand and grabbing her left with his other. Before she knew it, her hand was held out in front of her, an aquamarine and silver ring on her left ring finger. 

Slowly, she looked back up at him, joyous tears in her eyes, as she saw the silver ring on his left as well. He pulled her in for once last hug, putting his mouth next to her ear.

"Even if I can't stay on land with you, and you can't come to sea with me, we shall both be bound. Forever and always," he murmured, making her blush once again. He lifted her red face up to face his, planting a rushed kiss on her pink lips before pulling away and heading back to his ship, where his first mate was yelling to him.

As she watched him walk away with wide, ice blue eyes, she slowly lifted a hand to her lips, brushing where he had kissed her with light fingertips. She whispered three words as she watched his ship sail away once again.

"See you soon..."

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now