Horseback Riding

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The two, one a man in what appeared to be his early twenties, clad in his travelling clothes, and one a small girl of about eight, clad in an ornate dress of crimson and gold and a deep blue cloak with gold embroidery, sat upon the trotting stallion. An early spring breeze blew by, and her nursemaid rode ahead on her mare. The world around them was slowly turning a vibrant green, and the small girl, despite her mature facade, was gazing at the fluttering leaves that reflected the high sun glaringly, along with listening to the faint birdsong enclosing the group. The man was amused with her, seeing how hard she was trying to stay mature despite her childish urges. 

As they passed an overhanging branch, just above his head, she looked up, spotting a beautiful, deep violet bloom. He followed her gaze, seeing it above as she looked away, pretending to be uninterested.

Before she knew it, the floweret was placed over her ear, holding her fiery red hair away from her face, even from under the velvet, deep blue hood. Her face lit up red, and she was sure she had a fever. She said nothing, however, as she did not want to stop the small prossession of horses. She lifted a single pale hand from the reins, also held by the gentleman sitting behind her, holding it to her face and rubbing the flower petals between her thumb and forefinger. 

From that day forward, the girl loved the colour violet, going as far to say she loved every shade imaginable. All because of that small flower from an unknown tree,  plucked just for her. Something that had been given in kindness and not just because she was a princess, although I believe that was the day something was taken from her in payment.

That is, her heart.

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Where stories live. Discover now