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"But I don't want to wear bright colours, Pappi," she whined, crossing her arms. He brought out a whole new side of her: a childish side, a tomboyish side that had never seen the light of day because of her father, who thought she should get all A's and be a model student. 

"Can you wear a colour other than black and grey, then?" Oliver begged with his infamous, electric blue puppy eyes. They were both standing outside of a clothing store called Flavio's. She opened her mouth, but he beat her. "And I don't mean burgundy and dark colours, sweetie."

She puffed her cheeks, turning her head to the side. "Well..." she mumbled. "Wearing a darkish turquoise would be fine. It's my favourite colour, after all," she finally said, earning a happy look from the man in blue and pink.

"Yay! Now you won't look all dark and gloomy!" he said, grabbing her thin wrist and practically dragging her in. 


They were greeted by a bell and a "one-a second" from the backroom. After a moment, a man with a white suit, pink tinted glasses, a pink scarf, a black, somewhat unbuttoned shirt, bleach blonde hair, and sky blue eyes appeared, a pink dress over his arm. He had a heart shaped curl in his hair on the left as well. 

He gasped upon sight of the man, not noticing the girl yet. "Oh, Oliver! How good to-a see-a you-a again! What brings you-a here?!" he asked excitedly, walking up like he was on a runway. As he got closer, he noticed the girl in a black, long sleeve shirt with a part that went over her middle finger, a dark, dark burgundy skirt that reached just above her knees, and knee high, black socks and combat boots, along with her pure white hair pulled into curled ponytails, although she had her bangs covering her right eye. "Oh! Who is-a this ragazza?!" he asked, curious. He started to circle them, causing her to cling more tightly to Oliver's arm. "My, my, you-a should be-a wearing much brighter colours than this! This is-a awful!" 

"Flavio, meet Virginia, my sweet, adorable little daughter!" Oliver said, pulling away from her to swoon. She brought her arms to her chest, looking down and trembling ever so slightly. He then waved at the man. "Virginia, meet Flavio Vargas!" he said once again, only to find the girl clinging to him again. 

"I don't like strangers..." she mumbled into his vest, earning an awkward pat on the back from him.

"No-a need to be-a shy, ragazza!" Flavio said, putting his hands out and tilting his head in a closed eye smile(think 1p Italy). He opened his eyes again, turning on his heel and looking around his shop. "Now, what would look good on the-a ragazza..." he mumbled to himself, head propped on his hand, his elbow propped on the crook of his other arm. 

"Actually, Flavio, she said she would like longer skirts and dresses. Like what she called the Lolita style and old fashioned floor length ones," Oliver said. "Actually, the only colours we could agree to were white and blue-green."

Flavio turned his head back to them, a glint in his eyes. "Alrighty, Oliver! Give-a me an hour and I'll see-a what I-a can do!" With that, he was off into the back once again, dress still in hand.


"All done!" he yelled as he skipped out of the back, twirling around with an aquamarine circle skirt that would reach her feet and a white blouse in his arms. The girl peeked around her father, sitting on her knees on a cream coloured chair next to him. "Come and try-a it on, ragazza," the Italian said to her, gesturing for her to come closer. Hesitantly, she pulled away from Oliver, standing up with her arms wrapped around herself and walking towards him. 


She stepped out of the dressing room, wearing the long sleeved blouse and long skirt. The skirt had straps that reached over her shoulders in a way similar to overalls, buttoned with gold buttons in front, and it had a light petticoat underneath, causing it to puff ever so slightly. She held her arms tightly to her chest again, although her ice blue eyes were wide open, a small, crooked smile making its way onto her face. She hated to admit it, but the brighter version of her favourite colour and the white suited her, along with the outfit being comfortable.

"Oh! You-a look bella, ragazza!" the Italian squealed while Oliver clapped in delight. Then, Flavio said the forbidden, at least in her books.

"Now we have to get rid of the black boots."


So, yeah... This chapter is more of a filler. I didn't know how to write this; I only knew that Oliver started forcing her to put her hair in pigtails and to wear bright colours. This blouse and skirt will probably be used often in other chapters, although you can be happy to know she does keep her boots. Sorry to Oliver and Flavio(2p Romano), but they can't force her into throwing those out. Also, Flavio was only in this story for this chapter, so sorry for any 2p Romano fans. Finally, I'm sorry for my bad Italian accent, hence why Italy, Romano, and their 2p's will most likely be either not used or pushed to the side. 

With that, I'm out!

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