D-Day Plans?

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The phone rang from the hallway of their home, both father and daughter readying for a day of work. Virginia wore a long sleeved dress with a white collar, white lace trim, and a black bow that was dark teal (picture above in dark teal), along with her usual boots, showing completely, for once. Her hair was down as well, curled into loose ringlets near the bottom.

"I'll get it~!" her father chirruped before the ringing stopped, and she rolled her eyes. However, she began to smile to herself, ready to see her friend in person for the first time since they became pen pals, video chatting excluded. He would be flying in that afternoon, and they would go shopping before pampering themselves at a hotel and staying the night, only to wake up the next day and go to the party. It would be the closest thing to a 'girl's night out' she would ever get.

"Ginny~! It's for you~!" he singsonged happily, tearing her from her happy thoughts. She stepped out of her bedroom door and skipped down the hall, taking the phone from him. "I'm going to go open up. You should better start packing for tonight!" he called out, even though he was already half way down the curling stair case to the first floor.

She rolled her eyes again before answering. "Hello?" she asked.

"Hello, Ginny-"

"Before you go any farther, you are a bloody git," she cut in, earning a sigh and a chuckle from him. She smiled sadly to herself.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask if you would like to come to a party of mine tomorrow night. I'll be hosting a party with a few friends that are flying in," he finished simply. She grimaced to herself.

"I'm sorry, Arthur, but I'm busy through late tomorrow night. A friend of mine is also flying in, and we'll be staying at a hotel tonight, and we're also going to a party tomorrow. I wish I could keep you company, but I'm sure you'll be happy to see your friends," she replied. He sighed.

"Dear god, I'm gonna die tomorrow. The ones coming are bloody idiots or perverts," he whined childishly, making Virginia giggle like crazy.

"Your fault for inviting them, love. Besides, I'm sure they can't be that bad," she told him before looking to the wall on the clock and gasping. "I'm sorry, Artie, but I need to finish packing. My friend's plane will be landing in an hour. Cheerio."

"Cheers, then," he mumbled in disappointment.

"Oh, lighten up," she finally said and shut the phone off, going back to packing multiple suitcases.

She had lied. She would be gone for over a month after tomorrow, off to France until July and then to Canada, America, and back to France until August.

Reincarnation (Hetalia England x OC) SEE DEAR FRANCIS,Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora