Gaming and Chill

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Wolfy and Zone came over to Sawnik's apartment to chill and play games. The rest of the squad was busy doing learning and other worthless stuff (jk). It was a cold, stormy night. They sat in the living room eating pizza and playing games. Zone let out a soft moan, "Well guys, I'm bored."

"Me too," agreed Wolfy, "I feel like this server is just getting old and boring."

Sawnik didn't want them to leave (or else she'd be bored AND lonely, and we can't have that) "Zone," Sawnik asked, "why don't we show Wolfy that Wynncraft server? I'm sure she'd love it"

Zone's eyes lit up at the memory of the long forgotten minecraft server, "OH YEAH!! Wolfy you're in for a treat," he said. By now Wolfy was full of curiosity and demanded for the ip.

Once they logged in, Sawnik was at a level 22 Warrior, Zone was a level 43 Mage, and Wolfy had chosen to become a level 0 Mage. The group played for hours helping Wolfy level up and do her quests. Before they knew it, it was already midnight. They didn't even care, they just continued to play as the incoming storm got closer and closer. Around 1:47am there was a loud crash of thunder and the power in Sawnik's apartment went out. The group screamed, not because they were scared, but because they were in the middle of the final boss fight at the highest level dungeon and had almost won. Sawnik grabbed a cold slice of pizza, "so um, looks like we're having a sleep over lol." She was instantly ashamed that she said "lol" out loud. Just as Sawnik handed the pizza box around there was another lightning strike, this time striking Sawnik's home. Everything around them was surging with power. The game suddenly came back on, still at the boss. The boss stuck his head out of the computer screen and demonically whispered, "Fight me in MY realm." He grabbed the trio by the hands and dragged them in. All screaming with horror as they became one with this new world.

Everything went dark.

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