The Guild Master

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A few more days had passed and the group had finally hit level 50. They decided it was time to head to Troms to create a guild for themselves. Zone and Wolfy gave their money to Sawnik to help pitch in for the guild, it costs 5 liquid emeralds. The trio stood together on their black horses and charged through the temple that connected the frozen world of Nesaak to the warm jungles of Troms. They barely made it past the temple guards, who threw fire everywhere, but our heroes didn't want to fight, only to run past. They made their way into Troms and met with the Guild Master. They decided to name their guild "Squad", Sawnik talked with the Master.

"You ready to pay the price?" the NPC said.

"Yep," Sawnik pulled the money out of her pocket and handed it to the Master. He chuckled.

"The FULL price?" Sawnik was confused but nodded her head. Zone and Wolfy were also confused.

"Okay then," he said. The Guild Master pulled out a wand with a dragon head on the end of it, he snatched the money and pointed the weapon straight at Sawnik. Before any of them could react he struck Sawnik with a strange spell and took some of her soul. Sawnik fell to the ground, feeling the life literally draining from her body.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Wolfy charged straight at the Master but was held back by his men.

"The full price is 5 liquid emeralds and 5 soul points," he grinned.

"But she's not a normal player!" Zone screamed, "You took her REAL soul!! Give it back!" Sawnik was lying on the floor now in the fetal position. She felt so empty inside.

"No guild is worth this!" Wolfy begged.

"Too bad," Laughed the Master, "I don't do refunds, and besides, REAL souls are MUCH better then those soul points." He dramatically turned away and walked into his office. His men grabbed the trio and threw them outside. Wolfy and Zone ran to Sawnik, whose face was pure white. She was shaking and could barely speak.

"We have to get Sawnik's soul back," Zone said.

"And I already know how," Wolfy couldn't help but grin about her clever plan.

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