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The trio were slowly wrapped in spider webs as the arachnid children dragged them through the dungeon. Each of them struggled to reach for their weapons but couldn't, they were wrapped up too tight. The children finally threw the group on the ground in a dark cave. Everything around them was covered in webs. In the shadows they saw eight red, glowing eyes and heard a small chuckle.

"Good work my children," Arachnus said, "Mommy's going to eat well tonight." The spider queen creeped out of her hiding spot and stood above our heroes. Slobber dripping from her jaws and onto their faces.

"RUUN!!" Sawnik shrieked. They jumped up onto their feet and started running from Arachnus. They were stuck in the chase only for a few moments before Arachnus had had enough. She called her children to come and eat them. They were cornered, the army of spider children were closing in. They nibbled at the trio's feet waiting patiently for their mother.

"Zone I have an idea," Wolfy said, "I can't grab my wand.. but I can grab YOURS."

"WHAT?! No one touches my baby!" Zone whined.

"Good idea Wolfy you guys hurry that up ok or we're all gonna die!!" Sawnik angrily whispered stomping on the heads of the children that tried to bite her. The two mages reached and switched wands. They teleported out of the webs, giving Sawnik room to break free and grab her spear. The children worriedly looked for the mages while Sawnik took out as many as she could. Wolfy and Zone sapped the children out of existence. The more they killed the spiders, the more spiders would show up, it almost seemed impossible to destroy them all. Arachnus found Sawnik stomping her babies to death and let out an angry shriek. She lunged straight toward the frightened warrior. Sawnik ran as fast as she could but Arachnus was suddenly distracted by the deadly magic being shot at her by Wolfy and Zone. Everytime Arachnus thought she had the two they teleported away from her. She ran in circles chasing them until Sawnik threw a rock at her.

"HEY ARACHBUTT," she teased, "pick on someone your own size!!" When Arachnus turned around, she saw that Sawnik had beaten her children and rode them like horses. The children shot webs at Arachnus' feet causing her to crash to the ground. The trio all stood before the fallen beast, weapons aimed. Arachnus tried one last attempt to chomp the heroes, but her children shot more web and sealed her mouth shut. The group shot at her with their most powerful attacks until she finally gave in to the pain and left the world forever. As her body evaporated the trio was showered in riches. The frightened children guided them out of the dungeon and left forever.

"Guys," Wolfy said, "that. Was. AWESOME!" The group high fived and celebrated their victory. They gathered their new items and set out to Detlas to find Nemo.

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