There's No Place Like Home

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Nekno let out a loud scream. The group was confused but kept fighting with their greatest attacks. He'd been screaming for about 10 minutes before they could see Sawnik's spear finally poke through the dragon's flesh. She ripped the tiny hole until she could finally climb out. She fell to the ground, covered in stomach acid and the bones of Nekno's previous victims. Nekno stopped screaming and was now filled with rage. This wasn't a game anymore to him.

Wolfy ran over to Sawnik who was struggling to breath and was holding herself up on her hands and knees. She dragged her friend to safety leaving Night, Zone, and Intro to fight alone. Sawnik leaned herself against a rock away from the beast and tried to clean herself off.

"You stay here," Wolfy demanded, "you gave me a heart attack back there!" Sawnik smiled the best she could, "go get that douche, Wolfy."

Wolfy was shocked that Sawnik said douche, but didn't have time to react. She ran back to the others and continued to fight Nekno.

"Guys shoot his stomach where Sawnik came out!" Zone commanded, "That's a weak spot!" Night and Intro ran to the front lines heavily attacking the dragon's new scar. Zone and Wolfy stood back and healed them as Nekno swung his gigantic claws at the heroes. He felt death coming upon him, so he sent out more demons, a rain of fire, and surrounded himself with a moat of lava. The group expertly avoided the flames and beheaded the weak attackers. Zone picked up Wolfy and threw her across the moat straight at the dragon's stomach.

Nekno felt a sharp pain travel throughout his body and he looked down to see that Wolfy had taken Sawnik's small cut and stretched it to the length of his entire stomach. The rest of his half-digested dinner flooded out and put out the flaming lava below him. The demons disappeared into the thin air as Nekno slowly fell over and landed on his face.

He didn't want to believe it, but he was defeated. The friends immediately ran to each other and threw around some high fives and a group hug. They picked up Sawnik, not caring about her new rotten smell and threw her in the air screaming about how they did it.

They were interrupted by the dragon, who could barely speak, "Good job brave warriors. You are the first to ever defeat me." The color left his face as he slowly died in front of them, "As a reward, I will give you anything you desire."

They all looked each other in the eyes and smiled, "we want to go home," Zone answered.

"Yeah and I want a million bucks," Night added in.

The dragon took a deep breath and let out the last of his smoke from his nostrils, "Let it be so." Behind the group appeared a glowing door. It slowly opened and they could see Sawnik's living room.

"See you guys on the other side, " Night said before he logged out. Nekno began to dissolve, butterflies escaped from his decaying body. Zone and Wolfy helped Sawnik stand up and they walked through the door together.

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