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The hobo NPC gave the group a thumbs up when he saw them entering the bank. Intro wasn't comfortable with becoming a villain, but Sawnik said they needed the xp. The girls went and chatted up the bankers while Intro and Zone tried breaking the door down. They stopped when they realized they were being too loud.

"There's gotta be an easy way in," said Zone, "the NPCs don't have to break the door everytime they go in." Intro looked round the room. Was there a puzzle? A secret button near the bankers? That's when he remembered seeing a button in a different building labeled "Emerald Storage" but when he clicked it there it did nothing, or so he thought.

"Bro I think the way in is through the item identifier," he explained, "There's a button there that I think opens the door."

Zone told Intro to run and click the button while he catches the door and opens it. Intro walked in feeling watched. He knew the Emerald Guardians were watching him. Even the item identifier himself looked suspicious of Intro. He carefully reached up and pressed the button, the identifier automatically pulled out his highest ranked and most powerful weapon (His power is to be able to overpower weapons). Intro screamed and escaped the blasts. He ran back to the bank followed by the deadly NPC. When Sawnik and Wolfy saw the blasts they quickly abandoned the bankers and ran to the door, slamming all their attackers out.

Zone laughed after seeing his little brother's horrified face. Intro just ignored it and climbed down the ladder. At the bottom there was one sleeping guard golem, his snore was so loud it shook the nearby bottles of enchanted emeralds. The four of them carefully and quietly grabbed as many as they could fit in their backpacks and tip-toed back to the ladder. Another loud snore from the golem made the ceiling shake and a large cloud of dust fall on the group.

"Aaah.. Aaaaah... ACHOOOO!" Intro sneezed against his will. The golem woke up, say the missing emeralds and the escaping theifs. He grabbed the group and threw them in the now empty crate and started screaming in an ancient forgotten language.

"Guys I know this sounds stupid but I know how to get out of here," Sawnik whispered, "I did research on these guys before the quest and their one weakness is..." she struggled to say it because even she couldn't understand how dumb it was, "stand-up comedy..."

Zone automatically jumped up, "My specialty."

The golem got angrier when he saw Zone stand up. "Hello how ya doin tonight," Zone began his act, "Well I'm Zone and boy do I have a special treat for you." The golem was no longer angry, but confused.

"How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!" A bum dum tss came from thin air.

"Thank you thank you I'm here all night! Oh you want more? Okay here's one. When did the guy go to the dentist? Tooth hurty!" Zone laughed so hard and slapped his knee. The rest of the group facepalmed while the golem looked confused, as if he was trying to get the joke. As Zone kept going with his jokes Sawnik and the others climbed out of the box and snuck over to the ladder. Intro slowly dragged Zone away from the confused golem until they finally escaped.

"What's next? Rob Almuj?" Sawnik asked.

"Yep," said Wolfy, "sounds sooooo fun," she said sarcastically. The group did the same stunt in the next three cities and returned to the hobo in Detlas.

"Thank you!" the NPC exclaimed as he snatched all the liquid emeralds. He poored them into a nearby trash can and climbed in to bathe himself. Miraculously he DID get better, he wasn't ugly anymore, he smelled nice, and for some reason his clothes got really fancy. As a reward he gave our heroes just 1 liquid emerald each. They all thought that was bogus BUT with the experience points they had reached level 68. They were almost ready to fight the demonic dragon and return home.

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