Sawnik's Soul

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They waited in Troms for a couple days to see if Sawnik could get her strength back. She'd been stuck in bed shivering, pale white, and unable to speak. Wolfy and Zone were getting worried. They decided it was finally time to do OPERATION: Get Sawnik's Soul Back! Wolfy disguised herself so the NPC wouldn't recognize her and walked into the Guild Master's home. She didn't have the money so she decided to bargain.

"What if I gave you 10 soul points?" She said. The Master was shocked at first and demanded the money. Wolfy gave him the sad puppy dog eyes, "But but.. I have a real soul!" The Master's eyes lit up and he grew a devilish grin.

"Okay young lady," he said as he pulled out his dragon wand. The head of the dragon looked eerily similar to the final boss who had dragged the trio into the game. He asked what guild name she wanted and pulled out the paperwork. Wolfy snatched the wand and bolted toward the exit. The Master was shocked at first but then sent his men to chase Wolfy. As she ran, Zone came out of the shadows and shot at any men that got too close to Wolfy. She made it out and ran straight to the Inn, there was no time to wait for Zone.

Sawnik was as asleep as she could get. She hadn't felt any emotions in a while, just nothingness. Wolfy burst in the door and ran to Sawnik.

"Sawnik I got your soul!" she celebrated. Sawnik just returned the news with an empty stare. Wolfy shook the wand and tried all the spells she could but nothing happened. Zone came in soon after, a little bruised but still ok. Wolfy told him she couldn't get the wand to work so he took it and tried himself. Neither of them were successful. Frustrated, Zone threw the wand down and shattered it. From the remains came a ghostly figure that looked like Sawnik and reentered her body. Soul Points flew everywhere, and a few other ghostly figures flew out the window. Sawnik took a deep breath as her body went back to its normal color. She ran over and hugged her friends. They were happy to see Sawnik back but they couldn't help but wonder about the other souls that flew away.

"Does this mean there's other people like us? Trapped in the game?" Zone asked.

Wolfy nodded in agreement, "It's the only thing that makes sense since the rest of these are soul points."

Sawnik thought about the night they entered this world, "Guys, there was like 20 people in the dungeon fighting right? They ALL must have been dragged in like us!"

"YES!" Wolfy said, "That's got to be what happened!"

Zone's face was now pale white, he was overtaken with fear. Sawnik and Wolfy noticed the problem immediately.

"Guys," He said, "My brother was in that dungeon with us."

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