A New Friend

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The group had grinded their way to level 34 and had explored most of the region around Ragni and Detlas. They decided to walk to Ternaves to buy some well deserved horses. On the way they spotted a few players in a quarrel. A level 15 was surrounded by a group of level 40s. They used their special skills to throw the poor player in the sky and damage him physically and mentally.

"Come on kid give us the rest of your emeralds, it's for a good cause! The ME foundation," He laughed at his own joke and struck the inexperienced player again. Zone was filled with rage. No one should abuse their power in such a way. Zone marched over with the nervous Sawnik and Wolfy following slowly behind. Before they knew Zone was there he sent a rain of ice of the twisted group. In the confusion the poor beaten kid got up and ran behind his heroes. The level 40s looked at Zone first enraged, but them had a devilish look. The new group were all in a guild called DEATH, they circled Zone, taking advantage of his lower level.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" asked the leader, Teddy, "a couple of noobs thinking they can play with the big kids?" Zone never showed any fear. He pulled out his wand and sent a blast from the sky onto Teddy.

"NO ONE, should take advantage of other players. You guys are an insult to this game!" Teddy walked back from the blast undamaged and laughing at Zone's comment. He shot Zone with thousands of arrows, his health quickly deteriorated but luckily Wolfy started healing Zone just in time.

"Zone this is stupid! If you die you die forever! You can't risk it!" Sawnik whispered. Zone ignored her and took a deep breath. The entire DEATH guild started attacking. Sawnik and Wolfy helped Zone defend the bullied player. The difference between the trio and DEATH was that the trio knew how to work together. As the hp of DEATH players got lower and lower that just kept fighting harder and harder. The mages refused to heal and only wished to attack. Soon our heroes took out the entire group but Teddy. Teddy's hp was down to 5. The bullied player stared in awe at the actions of his rescuers. Zone stared Teddy in the eye, "no pillows tonight," He said as he delivered the final blow. As the group finished healing themselves the new player jump excitedly around, "THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I mean whatever I was gonna log out anyway," he said nonchalantly. Zone chuckled and asked what we should call him.

"I'm abyssalflame3, but you guys can call me Aby and no I'm not a girl," said Aby. This time the whole group laughed. They finally made it to Ternaves with their new friend.

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