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It didn't take long for them to realize they were in another dungeon. Solving the puzzles here were easy for them. The hard part was climbing the enormous tree while being shoved by the boss's demonic henchmen. After a while they made it to the final door. They quickly prepped themselves and walked in.

They found themselves in what they could only describe as hell. Everything was on fire, there was huge spikes of rock sticking out of the ground, and a giant flaming cow appeared. "You low lifes! How dare you disgrace me in my own home." The group was automatically confused, they didn't do anything to this guy. "You ate my fallen brethren in my worship hall?" the flames on his back got bigger and bigger as he spoke, "and now you are going to pay, and I will eat YOU in your own homes!" He shot flaming comets at the trio over and over again. Sawnik did what she could to corner the demon cow while Wolfy and Zone shot as many spells as they could in its direction. The Cow just grew more furious. They saw him start to get redder and redder. He opened his large mouth and breathed fire as hard as he could. Sawnik was slow to react and was burned, the two mages jumped down from their towers to drag Sawnik away before it was too late. They hid behind a stone spike while the cow threw its tantrum.

"Sawnik almost died," Wolfy said, "I don't think we're gonna make it."

"Nonsense!" argued Zone, "I don't care what we have to do but we are getting out of here ALIVE and when we do I'm going to have a really really spicy demon cow burger okay?"

Wolfy was still worried. Sawnik's heath hit 11 before they rescued her. Zone peered around their shelter and looked at the furious demon cow. "His health is like 1124, we can do this he's almost dead guys."

"You're right, Zone," said Sawnik calmly, "we can do this. Wolfy, no matter what happens keep going and don't stop." Wolfy nodded. Sawnik ran out from the shelter and shot a hard blast at the distracted demon cow. Wolfy and Zone took this opportunity to get back into their positions and shot their strongest attacks at the cow. The cow went crazy when he realized he was losing the fight. He decided it was time to live up to the name "Lava Cow", he spewed lava from all of his limbs and mouth. Sawnik was horrified and had to step back. Wolfy almost jumped down to get Sawnik out of the danger zone but stopped herself. Sawnik jumped as high as she could and shot one final blow at the beast. The demon cow was thrown high into the air still spreading lava, Wolfy and Zone shot the beast and watched as he finally gave in and died. The room suddenly became peaceful, all signs of hell disappeared. The trio found themselves in a small forest above a lake.

"You guys did the animal dungeon without me!?" Aby said. The group turned around to see him and a few of the Bovine Worshippers.

"Ugh! How am I supposed to level up now." Aby threw the only key he had on the ground slightly annoyed but in reality not caring at all. The Bovinists were horrified to see that our heroes survived, it meant they had defeated the Bovine god. Zone's first and only reaction when he saw the horrified NPCs was to laugh. He put two and two together and realized they were thrown in by these worshippers. Sawnik and Wolfy joined in while Aby was confused. The NPCs ran back to Elkurn, embarrassed and ashamed.

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