They meet

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Lucy's POV:
An ear splitting noise raced through my ears I winced at how loud it was. Suddenly I felt someone snuggle closer to me I looked down to find a creamy blonde haired girl grappling my waist she had tear streaks running down her cheeks. I then felt someone else move on my other side I looked to see my other two siblings my brother Romeo sat closest to me then Luke sat on the other side of Romeo.

I sighed and thought 'another day another opportunity' I wrapped my arms around the three and kissed their foreheads.

I'm 18 and I can't do anything right especially trying to pull these three out of whatever they got themselves into. Michelle doesnt eat at all Romeo never talks or shows emotion and Luke he never shows his eyes and he rarely speaks. A tear slipped down my cheeks I wiped it away I then got up and shook the three awake. I said grabbing our uniforms off the chair from drying, "come on you guys time to get up we still have breakfast to do." Everyone grumbled and got up.

Michelle asked, "Lucy why don't we ever get another bed"

I said poking her little button nose, "because it's already hard enough to provide food and water and the rent so that's why I swear someday we'll have 4 beds."

Romeo just got dressed in the closed off corner while Luke got dressed in the living room Michelle got dressed in the other corner and I got dressed in the bathroom.

Once we were already I made some breakfast hoping Michelle would find some hunger in her stomach and want to eat. Luck wasn't on my side Michelle just drank her juice and left for her shoes.
Nobodys pov:
After breakfast the heartfillia gang got on their shoes and walked out the door. No one commented on the rain as it poured on them. All of a sudden the heavens stopped crying on them. The heartfillias turned around to find a boy with pink hair and onyx eyes other known as
Natsu dragneel

Authors note:
Hi everyone did you like today's chapter/page I know I did I hope you enjoyed oh one more thing I don't own fairytail or its characters
Hope to see you soon byeee!!!!

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