Flights and billionaries

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Natsu's pov:
I know this shouldn't be bothering me but why is Luce so blah? She's been a worry whirl for the past days ever since I asked her about Hawaii I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. I mean of course I understand she's sorta like uhhh leaving her kids for a few days but I mean they'll be with gramps sooo. I guess it's because they'll be staying in an orphanage so it freaks her. Meh I don't see the problem I've been in a orphanage for like uhhhh a lot of time. Actually nevermind that is kinda a problem hehehe. In my time I never did see a single foster parent come and pick a kid up or any kids leave or anything! It was just weird times I guess.
"Natsu what should I bring to Hawaii?" I heard Luce ask me. Frick I don't know it's not like I'm a girl I don't have a hole down there, I have a flesh stick though! (I'm so sorry but that was funny XD)
I just replied, "uhhhh I don't know, swimsuits, clothes?" Yeah I got a smack on the head with a news paper for that.

"Luce why are you so antsy about the kids spending time with gramps? He's a good guy!" I ask her sitting in a chair and throwing a tiny ball up and down while Luce packed, the kids were out in the living room, goofing around.

"Uhhh I don't know. I just am. Like what if they don't like him? Michelle needs her food she's been getting lately and Romeo needs to talk and luke needs to show his eyes and just yeah. Plus this is the first time I've been without them over night!" She said starting to fret and tear up. I rolled my eyes and smiled softly at her I got up and hugged and kissed her.
"Hey do you believe me when I say they'll be fine?" I asked her in a whisper voice. I was still embracing her and her head was laying on my chest.
"Mhm." She nodded her head.
I moved her head into my hand and wrapped one around her waist. "Then trust me, if anyone can get them better it's gramps." I then kissed her foreheads and moved her head back into my chest. She just nodded her head and we stayed like that for a little bit longer.

Time skip the day of dropping kids off at gramps~
Lucy's pov:
We pulled up to this really big castle like building. The whole gang was here except for levy and Gajeel we are going to pick the up after we drop the kids off. Michelle is sitting in my lap and Romeo and luke are sitting in the very back with jellal. Jellal made everything weird? He kept asking the boys if they've ever seen a girl's butt in person, but I mean they were talking so did it really matter? I guess it didn't. I got out of the car to meet this "gramps". Natsu got out of the van with me, standing in front of the door was this old short bearded guy. He stood on his feet and his hands were behind his back but his eyes were open and a soft smile played at the corner of his lips.
"Ah, you must be Lucy, romeo, Luke, and Michelle!" The old guy spoke, surprisingly his voice was soft and smooth yet a bit thick.
I tried to speak to him but it came out pretty awkward, "Uhh yes sir that's that's us umm well I'm Lucy." 
"Oh well hello Lucy Natsu tells me about you all the time! Oh dear does he love yapping about you that brat." The old geezer smiled.
"Old man don't say stuff like that geez you'd think for being 170 years old you'd know better!" Natsu interrupted.
A vein pulsed in gramps forehead oh no. "What did you say you brat!"
"We gotta go Lucy plane leaves in an hour." Natsu crowed.
"Ok." I chimed.
I hugged and kissed every single one of the kiss on the cheek and left them with gramps.
Time skip plane ride....
It was really strange. I've never been on a plane ride before! Considering we lived in Mongolia and Hawaii is like a world away it's a really long flight. It was night time by now we were going to land in Hawaii tomorrow me and Natsu shared a cabin he was currently laying his head on my lap and sleeping as I read I would take my hair and tickle his face sending him into nirvana. Soon I decided that I should sleep some too I bent down to Natsu and kissed his forehead whispering sweet nothings into his ears making him smile softly as he slept. I soon fell asleep and wished for best.

Ok so that was kinda short? Yeah I know I haven't updated in a month....but I mean I published I'm finding some motivation I'm just writers block : P so yeah umm Christmas is in 2 days tell me what you're doing for Christmas!!! Or Sunday!
I do not own fairytail or any of its characters no copy right infringement intended!


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