Romeo's got a girlfriend and protective friends???

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-authors note-

hello everyone or anyone,

I'm sorry for the wait I've been busy? Ahhh I just lied I'm sorry I've just been too lazy to type my story plus I've been working on another one of my stories that will soon be posted called "a celebrities love" don't worry its still a nalu fanfic so yeah. And I promised if you guys helped me change my username which sucked before I would update twice tonight so I have to get typing. ENJOY

Lucy's pov:

Ever since that bully incident I'm never alone anymore courtesy to Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Gajeel. Why I've never been allowed to be allowed to be alone? Well funny story they (Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Gajeel) found out I've been getting bullied. And well they didn't take it well especially Natsu.

*Flashback Begins*


I mean its been going on................for awhile sorry I never told you its just......I......well-" I stammered.

"OH HELL NO I AM........NO!!!!! THIS IS NOT EXCEPTABLE.........NOPE NOT AT ALL.......AHHHH I AM VERY UPSET WITH YOU RIGHT NOW LUCY!!!!!!!" Natsu ranted and flung his arms around trying to make a point but failing ultimately.

I sweat dropped and said, "I'm.......s-sorry....natsu?" I then got up and walked up stair cause my phone started ringing.

As I walked up stairs I heard natsu yell, "OH WE ARE NOT DONE YOUNG LADY, YOU GET YOUR CUTE BUTT BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I blushed but rolled my eyes and continued on my journey to my phone.


*Flashback Ends*

*sigh* I'm not even going to start on Erza's reaction lets just say It had a lot of profanity it could make a sailor have nightmares.

I walked past the middle school with natsu by my side ranting about god knows what. I stopped and looked closer at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes I smiled. A little blue haired girl was talking to Romeo asking him questions and laughing with him he seemed happy and so carefree.

"Awww young love. HEY ROMEO GET YOUR FLIRTY LITTLE BUTT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!! YOU TOO WENDY, DON'T EVEN THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW" natsu yelled at the two young kids making them blush like tomatoes. I stared at him in horror.

"Natsu stop, your embarrassing them." I scolded him while giggling a little bit.

"aww come on luce we got to embarrass them while its still hilarious." He said grinning at me.

"hey how do you know that little girl Romeo's with." I asked concerned with the answer I was gonna get.

He answered, "oh she's my dad's best friend's daughter yeah me and her Are basically siblings. She lives with me."

"Oh, how come I haven't met her." I inquired.

"She's the devil in disguise." he said in a low creepy voice.

"WHA!!! BUT SHE LOOKS SO INNOCENT." I exclaimed totally believing him.

"Mwahahahaha I'm just kidding luce she's just been taking the bus." He laughed.

I pouted and said, "not funny natsu."

"sowie wushy." he said using his baby voice.

"NATSU-NEE." A shrill voice exclaimed excitement dripping from his voice.

"STUD!!!!!" Natsu shrieked back.

"Hi natsu-san." Wendy said walking up to them.

"hello dear peanut." Natsu replied ruffling her hair.

'geez, natsu seems to have nicknames for everyone. Hmm? I wonder why he's so chirpy. Maybe he's just well protected and has not experienced the hard part of life, yeah that's probably it.' I thought smiling as Romeo rambled about his day to natsu and natsu just smiled and listened.


The second bell rang for the 6th graders (A/N: I have decided to change Michelle's age to 12 so yeah) Michelle came bolting out the door with Luke following after her. Books over flowed his arms as he tried to keep up with Michelle while carrying her heavy backpack along with his.

"NATSU." Michelle screamed running to hug natsu.

"DOLL." Natsu mocked her excitement hugging her.

Once they were done with their hugging session. Natsu grabbed Luke's books and Michelle's backpack. Luke grinned and said, "thanks Natsu."

"No problemo lukay." Natsu said. (A/N: how you say Lukes nickname is *lu then kay* okay)

"oh I'm sorry how rude of me I'm Wendy." Wendy exclaimed blushing slightly at her mistake.

"I'm Michelle" Michelle said smiling widely.

"I'm lucy"

"I'm Luke its nice to meet you."


Let's just say the two were blushing tomato for a long time after natsus proclamation.



I know you're probably confused right now. But I asked for help in changing my user name and I said "if I'd get help I'd write two chapters the day I change it." Well I already had this chapter sorta wrote so yeah this counts as one of the chapters so yeah.

Stay Classy,

I don't own fairytail nor its characters NO COPY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED

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