Nalu oneshot 1

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The sun was just begging to peak over the humble city of Mongolia. Lucy heartfillia was currently chopping carrots for her and her best friend (and crush ^\\\\\\^ but don't tell him) Natsu dragneels dinner.

They were having steak with a side of salad. And everytime Lucy didn't add Carrots Natsu would complain that he was gonna go blind all because gray fullbuster his frenemy said 'if he didn't eat his carrots he could go blind'. Natsu panicked and didn't eat anything but carrots for that whole week.

Anyway, Lucy was carefully cutting the carrots using precise cutting she used one hand to keep the carrot in place while her other hand grasped the knife striking down to cut the carrot

"LUUUUUUUCEEEEEEE." A voice yelled so  loud it thundered through out the house Lucy jumped as the scream radiated to the kitchen. When she  jumped she cut her finger.

"Ouch." she said blood started to ooze from her cut making Lucy stare at it.

a rush of foot steps was heard until a boy with pink haired and a muffler wrapped securely around his neck sat in front of her. Yep you guessed it right it was............Natsu freaking dragneel and boy did he look rough. He had scratches all over his face a deep gash on his cheek and a bunch of bruises over his visible body parts.

Lucy already knew where he came from FAIRYTAIL there was mostly likely a brawl going on or a clean up of a brawl. Just thinking about it made her quiver in fear. I mean Lucy rather go up against lord zeref himself then participate in a fairytail brawl.

A wet warmth enveloped her wounded finger. Lucy stopped thinking and looked at Natsu who was busy sucking on her injured finger. He soaked Lucy's cut with his saliva making her blush a deep scarlet  red.

Natsu kept licking and sucking on Lucy's cut until he decided she was good. He opened his mouth telling her she can with draw her finger so she did so. But before she could return to her work natsu quickly kissed her cut then let her go. Lucy's blush ran all the way to her neck

"w-w-what d-did you......*gulp*....w-want.....n-n-natsu." lucy stammered.

"Oh yeah......*starts fake crying*....ERZA HURT ME LUSHY MAKE IT BETTER." Natsu wailed

Lucy sweat dropped and asked (more like shouted), "how am I suppose to do that Natsu."

"I don't know I'm not a lushy." Natsu stated shrugging his shoulders with his eyes closed.

A tick mark appeared on her forehead but she ignored it and asked, "do you want to be bandaged up." Natsu nodded while sniffling. Lucy rolled her eyes but said, "okay come on lets get you cleaned up.......oh by the way where's happy." they made their way to the bathroom lucy grabbed a chair and set it in the bathtub instructing Natsu to sit on it natsu did as told.

"with Carla and lily they went on a mission exceeds only.....I think that's what they did or a fishing trip, or maybe it was to climb a mountain, maybe kiss a Vulcan I'm not sure." Natsu replied.

"Why on earth would they kiss a Vulcan." lucy inquired while fishing for natsus shampoo that she kept for him and a first aid kit in her drawers.

"I don't know, why are their cats that can sprout wings and fly?" natsu replied.

"you got me" lucy said getting up since she finally found natsus sour apple shampoo he absolutely insisted it had to be sour apple while his body wash was cinnamon. lucy ran the water to make sure the temperature was to his liking.


Lucy just finished tending natsus wounds when natsu whined "your not gonna kiss it better?"

lucy blushed and said "n-no of c-course not baka" (baka means idiot in Japanese case you didn't know)

"please *sniffle* how am I suppose to get better if I *sniffle* don't get a *sniffle* its all better kiss" natsu cried lucy blushed crimson

she stuttered "f-fine but only one kiss got that" natsu nodded he turned his head and pointed to the gash on his cheek lucy sighed and closed her eyes to kiss his gash she was millimeters from kissing his wound when all of a sudden natsu turned his head so she kissed him right on the lips!!!!!!!!

lucy squeaked and went to move away when natsu grabbed the back of her head so she couldn't move away from him. Lucy's blush darkened as she found her self melting into his fiery kiss it was inevitable it was like ice cream out in the hot summer sun she couldn't help but melt it wasn't something she could just ignore it just happened.

natsu finally released lucy and they were both forced to face reality he grinned brightly at her while she just blushed lucy asked "w-why did y-you do t-that"

"well actually I kinda wanted a kiss from you, but if it helps I have cut on my lip" natsu said pointing to his bottom lip, now if you squinted really hard you'd  see a tiny cut, the size of a sliver lucy sighed knowing she was ultimately fooled by the idiotic pink haired fire dragon slayer that took her heart forcefully.



"LUUUUUCEEEEE, ERZA HURT ME, KISS IT BETTER!!!!!"  a wail resounded through out Lucy's house she sighed but she couldn't hide the small smile that danced on her lips.

And that folks is how natsu dragneel the "dense" pink haired dragon slayer got two kisses out of lucy heartfillia the celestial wizard and heir of the deceased Jude and Layla heartfillia. 

-Authors note-

hello everybody or anybody I hope you enjoyed this one shot tell me if you have any ideas for one or something oh I DONT OWN FAIRYTAIL OR ITS CHARACTERS NO COPYRIGHT INFRIGMENT INTENDED this was inspired by  another one shot but I forgot about the details and stuff so
Stay classy,

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