Surprise much

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Natsu POV:
Well I was walking down the street that was masked with gray clouds and rain that seemed to soar down from the sky like tear drops with my strangely huge umbrella. When I saw four people walking in the freezing rain. No umbrella covering them and no jackets.

So being the good person I am I walked up to them and held my umbrella over their heads. They spun around to see me and the oldest one was a blonde girl her eyes widened and her jaw slightly parted. I know her she's Lucy heartfillia. I always wanted to get to know her but I never got around to it I guess.

Lucy glanced up to see the umbrella roof she said in a soft (cute in my opinion) voice, "thank you." Lucy then turned to the three kids and said in a motherly voice, "now what do you say kids." I smiled at her and the kids actions.
The little blonde haired girl said in a cute high pitched voice, "thank you sir." While the two boys just nodded.

I nodded and said, "no problem." We started walking toward the school all huddled under my umbrella.

Lucy asked sincerely, "what's your name?"

You don't know me?" I inquired.

Lucy shook her head and said, "oh no I know you" I smiled at her. "But what's the point of having a name if everyone already knows exactly who you are."

I stared at her surprised. The little pasty blonde girl snickered and smirked at my reaction. I said "touché." The group smiled. It seemed to throw Lucy of guard when the two boys grinned. I chuckled and said "I'm Natsu dragneel."

I stuck out my hand to her she gripped my hand and shook it. I couldn't help but notice how small and soft her hands were. she said, "Lucy."

I aimed my outstretched toward the little girl she took it and said, "Michelle."

I nodded then pointed my hand toward the raven haired boy he looked at my hand he then took it and said, "Romeo."

I then directed my hand toward the blonde boy his bangs hid his eyes he took my hand and said, "Luke."

Lucy was staring at the two boys in shock, and disbelief. "what's your deal luce?" I questioned.

Lucy shook her head and said, "nothing just surprised that's all."

I stared at her for a moment and said, "yeah okay weirdo." "Hey I'm not weird." Lucy said offended.

I smiled at her she had a cute pouty face on. I then mumbled, "okay Luce you win."
-time skip no body's POV-
Once the 3 middle schoolers were dropped off Lucy and natsu made their way down to the high school. The two of them talked like they were childhood friend who got separated for years and just reunited.

The two finally made it to school. When Lucy went to her locker she heard foot steps quietly following her. She turned to see Natsu smiling like an idiot at her she said, "where you going Natsu."

Natsu replied, "just following you Luce what else would I be doing."

Lucy thought as she walked to her locker still hearing the pattering of his feet 'this guy is actually interacting with me? Geez I must look real weak if he's actually breathing the same air as me.'

~Authors note~
Hello everyone or anyone,
sorry for the wait I know it was long almost to long for me too I just never got the inspiration for it yet message me or comment me if you think you have what could make this story better so yeah
I don't own fairytail or its character no copyright infringement intended

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