Oh My Savior?

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*Authors note*

I'm sorry for keeping anyone waiting I just was very busy. Also thank you for helping me with pointing out my error (I will not announce you unless your okay with it) WATCH VIDEO UP ABOVE ITS NATSU DRAGNEEL FUNNY MOMENTS BY ARTZY ON YOUTUBE

I don't own fairytail or its characters no copyright infringement intended

Lucy's POV:

Blur, that's all I saw. A white blur to be more exact. I don't know if I was dreaming or even alive maybe the bullies finally ended my life. Wait, no I feel pain if you were dead you don't feel pain do you?

I couldn't help but think, 'What's going on, why can't I see anything clear. Wait a minute where's natsu. What about Michelle, Romeo, and Luke. How long have I even been here? Is someone going to come here is some one already here?'
My vision started to finally clear after 15 minutes of staring at the white blur. A stark white ceiling, thats what it was. I turned my head slightly to the left to see a picture of waves pounding into a shore. The picture made me somehow relaxed I don't know how or why it just did period.
"Oh I see your finally up sweetheart." I looked up to see a smiling angel with long white hair and a smile that lit up the room.
"Uh yeah umm where......where exactly am I and who are you" i stammered.
"Mongolia hospital, you were diagnosed with 3 broken ribs, 1 broken leg, 1 broken arm, and 2 broken fingers. But don't worry we got you all patched up. You can leave this afternoon okay sweetie? Oh and by the way my names Mira" Mira said oh so sweetly you could just see and smell the sweetness that dripped from her voice.
"Wait, I'm being released this afternoon I've only been here for one day right?" I inquired
"Honey, you've been here for 6 months and 5 days. Those bullies really did a number on ya huh?" I just nodded. Six months and five days? Who's been taking care of Michelle, Romeo, and Luke?

~time skip Lucy's pov~
I was walking through the door to our home when i heard laughing. I stopped and heard it coming from our kitchen. I slipped into the door way and listened.

"Hahahaha do it again Natsu do it again natsu." heard a very high pitched voice beg

"Okay Michelle." I heard a husky voice start "She ain't nothing but a hound dog, howling all the time, she ain't nothing but a hound dog awwww yeah." The same husky voice sang like Elvis. A wave of laughter resorted through out the small apartment even I giggled.

I peeked around the corner to see Natsu holding a frying Pan scooping scrambled eggs on to Michelle's plate of toast. I gasped a bit when she took a fork and began to eat. Luke turned his head toward the door only for me to see his eyes showing!

Then the unthinkable happened Romeo asked "Natsu-nee can I have some more eggs please?"

"Course stud." Natsu got up and walked into the kitchen to get more eggs cooking.

"Hey guys." I said smiling like crazy.

"Lucyyyyy!!!" They screamed at me and tackled me into a hug. Except Natsu who was just cooking the eggs while smiling and watching us from the kitchen. I laughed and hugged them back.

Once they let go of me I got up and walked over to Natsu and hugged him from behind while he was busy cooking the eggs for Romeo. I could feel every muscle on his body flex as he flipped the egg. He grabbed the plate next to the stove and placed the egg on the plate. He then turned around and hugged me back he whispered in my ear,

"thank god your OK I was so worried."

"I'm fine Natsu just a bit sore that's all." I replied keeping voice low like him.

"Good." He replied.

Once he let go of me we both decided to watch a movie with Romeo, Luke, and Michelle. "Okay you guys go pick a movie out." Natsu exclaimed grabbing the t.v remote and tossing it to the three kids who excitedly grabbed it.

"Ooooh look inside outs o-.......oh wait never mind." Michelle said

"Why can't you watch inside out pumpkin?" Natsu inquired

"It costs $5.95 Natsu-nee."Romeo answered.

"Oh okay here, Luce." Natsu reached into his wallet and pulled out $6.95 and handed it to me.

"No, Natsu we can't take your money. Besides we need that $5.95 for rent so we will have a roof over our head." I cited shaking my head nudging the money back toward natsu.

"Well I don't want it now it has your germs on it." Natsu made a disgusted face. The three kids laughed as Natsu and me fought over the money.

"Ok Luce if you don't take this money I'll kiss you." Natsu threatened. I blushed and finally put the money on the coffee table. Natsu had a triumphant smile.

"Okay now buy the movie already I'm tired of fighting over this." Natsu shouted playfully. Everyone laughed and bought the movie.

~half way through the movie~

I turned from the movie and saw Natsu sleeping snoring away. He looked as innocent and cute as a new born baby. I can't believe this is the same man who saved me from bullies.

'Oh my savior'

~authors note~
Hello everyone or anyone,
This was pretty short I think it was I'm not so sure. Anyway like I was saying I'll try and update as much as possible. If my logic defies physics and or logic just ignore it. Anyway

Stay classy,

I don't own fairytail or its characters no copyright infringement intended

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