Chapter 1

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Ashley's P.O.V.

Ok, so you people barley know me, but heres the really the only important thing you should know. Im in an orphange, and there are many other girls here, but the 4 girls that I'm really close to are like my sisters, we've been together, since we were 10, and we were joined at the hip. We did almost everything together. We even share a room. Yeah, sounds a little small to be sharing a room with 4 other people, but we've been together for 7 years, we went through the same thing. Our parents died in a car acceident, not all at once, our parents died, which sucks

Sukhmani's Parents died first, so she was sent to a Orphange first. Sumiran's parents died next, which was really sad the way they died.. im not gonna go into detail. They were roomies together till Julie came along. her parents died, 6 days after Sumi's parents died. Then i cam along, my parents died, actually on the same week. Alana's parents died a week later. And we have been together ever since.

We have trust issues, honestly we don't know why, we just stopped trusting other people. you must be pretty damn special to us, for us to actually talk. Maybe it was the orphanage bullying. The other girls that were here we never would really fit in with them, they'd make fun of us...

When the staff people come and ask for ages 14-17 we always stay in our rooms, then to stand outside of our door, because, we don't want to get chosen, honestly. We may get seperated, but today, was the day, we were just singing in our room, just having a blast, till we were stopped by someone talking in the overcome. (Dont know how to spell it) Saying, "We'd like 14-17 year olds, to the lobby please."But as usual, we stayed back, and just waited till they left.

I turned the music back on, and we started singing. Of course, everybody probably heard us, but we seriously didnt care. While we were singing, all of the sudden, someone opens our door. It was Simon Cowell, I know him how peculiar... WE'RE a huge fan of his, because of course we watched American Idol, and the X-Factor. He began talking saying,"Hi, I;m Simon Cowell, and I was wondering if you would sing for me, i overheard you lovely group of girls singing, and i just wanted to her to hear you guys sing one by one, if you dont mind. I want to adopt someone who can sing. And when I heard your voices, they were very beautiful" We nodded our head, not saying anything. We didnt talk, because of how socially awkward we all were

We stood in a line, and I was trying to go last, but Julie pushed me second to last, so she could be last. She wispered, "Im sorry, I just can't, I can't go, i'd rather be last. im sorry." Dammit "Its ok, I know how you feel.

Sumiran opened her mouth but nothin came out, no sound.. nothing. She hesitated to sing, but when she finally put all her fears aside, she finally gave in, and sang her heart out. She was singing, "Heart Attack by Demi Lovato, and hit every note. Sukhmani, was SHAKING, and i mean shaking, you could clearly tell she was shaking.

I was hoping she'd sing, but she didn't and so i nudged Alana. So she started singing, shes the one who would talk for us. Shes the only one who doesn't have stage freight, an isn't as socially awkward as the rest of us. She was the voice from our group. She was singing, "Forever and Always" by Taylor Swift piano Version. She sounded so beautiful.

When it hit my turn, i tensed up like i always do. "Ashley, you can do this, I believe in you, we believe in you." Julie whispered. I tried singing, at first, but when my voice in ally gave in, i was off key D: wow very, very embarrassing, but now that I'm getting used to this feeling, I could sing my heart out, I was singing, "I Love You like a Love Song" and I was hoping, I wouldn't mess up anymore, cause that would be even more embarrassing, especially in front of Simon Cowell. When I finished, I sighed in relief.

"Julie, just sing Fall, by Justin Bieber. I know you love that song." I wispered. She nodded, and stood there just staring at the open space. "i cant do this!" she whispered towards me. "Yes you can, if i can you can!" When her voice finally gave in he middle of the song she screwed up.. And finally gave up. Sukhmani, when she finally had the courage to sing, she was singing, This Kiss, by- Carly Rae Jepsen. Yeah she had some dents in it, because well, she was still freightened, i mean, we all were.

Simon clapped and said, "All of you are truely gifted, but I'd have to choose, you." He said, pointing to Alana.

Alana tried saying, "S-sir, if y-you want me. You have to adopt my friends too. We are a, a package. If you want to argue with me you can."

"Well, honestly i do not want tl argue with you... but as you wish, all of you will be coming with me. You will have to move in with, my 'Five sons'" He said putting quotation marks around 'Five Sons'. We just nodded, not saying anything else.

Alana's P.O.V.

He chose me, I'd love to go, but i cant leave my girls. When he agreed with me, and said he'd adopt them, I was estatic, but i was holding it in. He told us to follow him to the lobby, and to the front desk, where in front of it, 5 ft away, there were a line of girls, waiting eagerly to see if they got adopted. But when they saw us, with Mr. Cowell, their smiles, turned into a frown, and they all started glaring at us.

We all looked down, thinking the same thing. When we got to the desk, Mr. Cowell said, "Hi.... Ms? I'd like to adopt these 5 young ladies."

"Why would you want them, they are no good, non talented, ugly young girls, you could choose someone so much better." The lady said. That hurt, but you see, I honestly dont care what she thinks about me, but when it comes to my girls I'll be mad. I see the same expression on Julie's face. Me and her could care less what she thinks about us, but the other girls, they look like they were about to cry. They were sensitive when it comes to these things. Julie finally snapped when she saw the lady glare at us. " You know what? Im glad im leaving this hell hole, because you, and the rest of your staff, are really mean to almost everybody! Why can't you leave us alone for once!?!? We are finally leaving you should be happy! We would've been kicked out anyway! We are almost 18! So just shut your face hole!" She yelled. I smirked at her and gave her a round of applause.

Simone added "Well. These young ladies, happen to be very talented, beautiful, and your right, they arent good people, their GREAT people, just shy. Thats all, NOW! I'd like to adopt these 5 young ladies!" He said angrily.

She nodded, and started typing on the computer, and printed out, 5 papers to get signed.

The lady said, "I need you girls to sign the piece of paper with your name on it, so we know you accept being adopted, by Mr.Cowell." We nodded and grabbed a pen, and signed our name.

~The Car Ride To the New House!~

Julie's P.O.V.

The car ride so far, was silent, till Simon broke it by saying, "So ladies, the 5 boys, you will be living with, will be taking you girls, to the mall so you can buy some clothes, ok? Oh and buy as much as you want, you each have a walk in closet, but you guys also share , one big room, with 5 walk in closets, 5 bathrooms, 5 beds, and in the middle is a little mini living room, with a colorful rugs, a pink couch, a orange sofa, and a purple love seat." Sounds lovely... oooohhhh already love the room already!(A/N The link that i will give you is a lot smaller then i desired. The bathrooms are there, you just can't see them, becuz I didn't have room but this is like how i imagined... kinda, not very much. but here ) We nodded, and after about 30min. We were there. The House was so pretty and huge!

When we got t=out of the car we were greeted with a ungrateful hug. We didn't like being hugged or touched by people we didnt know, so we flinch and when they felt us flinch they automatically let go.

And thats how we started our day with people we didnt know yet.

~Authors Note~

I just re edited this because i reads this present day, an i realize how crappy it was... I wrote this last summer. When i was more crappier then i am now.. So i revised it.. Hopefully its better. Since im becoming bored now-a-days, i have decided that, i would start editing, revising, and uploading more often.. Since we stopped posting on this account! - Julie~

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