Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

While we were waiting for the 5SOS boys to finish up, I started texting my girlfriend Perrie..but nobody knows about her yet. Yes, Perrie Edwards from Little Mix. Nobody knows about her for a reason. We want to keep it a secret for now, not even the boys know. I so badly want to tell them, but I kept my word.

Perrie: Hey babe!

Zayn: Hi! How was your day love?

Perrie: It was great! Actually do really want to be able to see you in person.

I smiled at my screen and textdd back.

Zayn: are you busy right now? I have about 15 minutes till the 5SOS boys are finished

Perrie: no I'm not busy at all... I'm just sitting with the girls.. Why?

Zayn: can we facetime? That's as best as it can get, for now.

Perrie: Yea, that seems like a great idea! I'll see your pretty little face soon!

I smiled and walked out of the dressing room, and called my beautiful girlfriend.

Sumiran's POV

We were all engrossed in our own conversions. Right now I was sitting in between Niall and Sukhmani, well because we all know what they were doing in the bathroom. Heh, you see we all don't need little Sukhmani and Niall's running around now do we? They... Don't know how to control their PDA sadly.

I was talking to Sukhmani, while Niall was in a conversation with Alana, and Liam. Zayn was a little ways away from us smiling at his iPhone screen. Then there Harry and Julie, who are happily talking. Louis and Ashley were having their own conversion about ducks. I look back at where Zayn was, and instead of me seeing him sitting there, he was halfway out the door.

It's probably nothing but you know, you never know.


Liam's POV

It was time for the concert, and Zayn is no where to be found. We've tried texting him, he would just reply and say he'll be right there. But then we textdd him right now and he still hasn't come. He needs to come now, because if he doesn't we have to delay purchase concert for a little bit, and make the 5SOS boys go out again.

I've already tried calling him, no answer. I went out on stage and spoke into the microphone to about 3,000 people.

"We might have to delay the concert for a just a little while.. But here are 5 Seconds of Summer again!" I said as happily as I could,when really I was stressing.

I went back stage and into the dressing room where everyone was at panicking.

"Here's how it's gonna go. We are gonna separate into partners. But since you girls don't know where to go, go pair up with one of those boys... There will be one group of 3. Niall and Sukhmani you can only be partners if you pinky promise you won't kiss.. Because we really need to find Zayn." I said sternly. This boy has been performing for over 3 years. He could have learned that you arent supposed to wonder off 15 minutes before the concert. Sometimes I really do feel like a parent amongst these 8 boys. (adding 5SOS in)

The partners were me, Alana, and Sumiran. Then of course Niall and Sukhmani. Then it was Harry and Julie, then Ashley and Louis. I hope we find him.

Niall's POV

We may not be able to kiss but, he never said we couldn't affectionate eachother... That sounded worse then kissing. I meant... Never mind I'm just gonna stop talking.

Harry's POV

We needed to find Zayn and fast. Me and Julie ran out of three dressing room, and once we reached a intersection, she stopped to catch her breath.. She need to exercise more. Sheesh.. I looked at her, and laughed. She looked up at me and punched my arm.

"Violence is never through answer honey" I smirked

"I'm sorry but I was told that when I was in Primary School in my Orphanage" she laughed. Then started sprinting away from me. She was fast I've gotta say, but not fast enough. I caught up to her running sillyily and i still caught up.. But that's probably because she slowed down when she heard voices.

Zayn's POV

"I know have, we will be out there soon" I said trying to cheer her up.

Honestly the reason why we didn't put any of this out there, was because of Simon. I told him to just keep it between us.

She was whispering right now.

I heard footsteps coming my way, and i quickly said, "Babe, Babe, I have to go.. I'm already late for the concert.." and that's when I turned.


Yay two updates in one day! Your welcome!! -Julie

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