Chapter 19

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~Knowing me, I'm proably going to have writers block throughout this whole book. So that's why I'm ending this story soon. ):~

Julie's POV

Today was Harry's birthday and we were facetiming as of right now. All the boys were there, all the girls were here, we were celebrating with each other even though we were miles away from each other.

"I wish I was there with you guys so we could celebrate together. Our first year there, and we already had to miss a birthday because of a stupid business trip." I nervously laughed.

"Actually we're missing two birthday's" Niall chirped in.

"Shut up, don't remind me of my birthday" I muttered. "It's Harry's day, Happy 19th birthday babe"

"Ew stop, just stop. Your hurting my virgin eyes!" Ashley said while covering her eyes. Which caused us all to laugh.


"Well, we have to go." I said looking down sadly.

"We have more interviews. More information we haven't known before. That reminds me. HOW COME YOU GUYS NEVER TOLD US WE WERE BECOMING OPENING ACTS FOR YOU GUYS? YOU BUTT HOLES" Ashley yelled.

"We've known forever. He told us from the beginning that whoever he adopts would be musical, and become part of the opening acts. S o be prepared to be writing your guys' own music." Zayn said happily.

"I can't write songs...Well, I don't know how, and I'm pretty sure it'd probably suck." I mumbled.

"Don't say that, you're probably a great song writer." Harry said convincingly.

"Have you seen her songs-" I cut Sumiran off by saying "What songs?" Then glared at her to make her shut up.

"We have to goooo BAII! Text you guys laterssssssss" I rushed trying to make it as amusing as possible before ending the call.



More interviews, and more interviews. This was our last one until Cali. And we were supposed to sing an original just to spice things up....We were told to do so by Simon. Sometimes I really don't like him. We had to write a song in less then an hour... This songs gonna go well.

We were all stressing while Sumiran was trying to write a song off the piano, as I was trying to write a song off of a guitar. While the rest of them was just trying to write lyrics.

"OH MY GOD. This isn't working Julie. We have to." Ashley pleaded.

"No. You know how I feel about that song." I mumbled. I've been mumbling a lot lately.

"C'mon you have Harry. There's no need to feel bad, when 3 years has passed." Ashley stated. I was getting frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I'm still hurt over 3 years. Somethings you just can't let go. Fine. We'll use it." I snapped more harshly then intended. I never snapped, she had a pained look on her face.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to snap. Just don't bring him up? Kay?" I apologized softly.


~Interview Time~

Questions were asked left and right, it was then time to sing. I hope they like it.

"This is called Fiffteen I wrote this off of a 15 heartbreak." I stated

(A/N I know Tay Tay Swift wrote this, and I do not own the song obviously.)

You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
You say "Hi" to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before."

'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them.....


I closed my eyes to hear clapping. Knowing they liked it, shot a happy 'bullet' up my whole body....If that makes sense at all. Well, in my mind it does...Well, that's because I'm Julie.

We waved goodbye, to our 'fans' you could say. They weren't really fans in my point of view, they just wanted to see us, 'cause we met One Direction and we've been basically living with them for the past month or two, or three, or four... But whos counting?

When we got into the car, I quickly put my ear buds in just so I didn't have to have a conversation with Simon. I was on iTube which was my app for music of everything. For free.. I like to conserve my money unlike most people. Kindess Regards by Witty came on. I started mouthing out the words, until it came out as a whisper then a light voice.

Here to tell you the truth. Tell you I'm nervous. Tell you my story. Tell you I'm worth it
Tell you my flaws and my faults and my doubts
Give you my heart and what's left of it now
Tell you my hurt
Tell you my pain
Tell you the thoughts I keep trapped in my brain
Tell you that nothing's the same
Tell you I'm nothing much more than a man
And tell you I fear I may never find love...

If you didn't know this was a rap song I could clrealy relate to. Honestly, his words he uses means something to him, and to other people. And I utterly adore that. The lyrics seem so meaningful. (A/N stop. Stop reading this, and go listen to Kindess Regards by Witty....If you like rap songs that is.)

And your grandma is screaming "You're worthless!" and calling you names to your face
Mom and I had to move to a place second time that I'll rhyme to paint this picture
And I can't deny I would hide in my room and would cry from dealing with ya
Pictures so vivid you yell in the kitchen I'm taking my boxes I've made a decision..
Silly your bitch never be like you never be so rude
I hope I wish alone and sit you sit but this is where we end it
It's crazy to me how the truth is often most offensive, battle tested
Learned my lesson to forgive but not forget
I shouldn't waste any more time
Shouldn't waste any more lines when you're drunk off the wine
Do you find me crossing your mind?
We knew this would happen with time but I think that we finally figured it out
That we would just never work out
I tried picking you up you tried pulling me down
But now life without you is where happy is found
And right now I'm just focused on music

The song ended a little bit later. What a good song.

~Authors Note~

Sorry for such a crappy chapter.


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