Chapter 24

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I had to edit the last chapter cos I screwed up a bit. No more Louis and Zayn its Liam and Zayn oopsies. Also this chapter may be short ;) I'm having extreme writers block so I might end this at 30-35. And maybe a sequal?

 Sumiran's POV

I know Julie is really really mad at me, but you know it's my opinion. Although this "important" interview may be amusing. Although I am "dating" Harry. Simon told us once we reached the studio that we would have to fake date these boys. And I'm completely fine with this but I kind of wanted Zayn. Sukhmani is already dating Niall so they're pretty happy they can do whatever like they usually do. And in 2 weeks we will be traveling the world with our best friends. I cannot believe it.

Ashley's POV

Today is the day I have to say that me and Liam are dating. As much as that sounds extremely weird, what's even weirder is having to act all couplely.. And that isn't  a word. I mean Zayn and Julie, you would have never seen that. They're like best friends.


Host: "So I heard that you girls are single, is that correct?"

Julie: "Ha us single? Pssh" She said while playfully hand gesture thing where you put you hand up and then flop down. "Actually that is incorrect, we are actually dating some important people, and they're back stage" 

Host: "Really? Do you mind bringing them out?" The boys walked out of the back stage and started walking towards us. Since there was no room on the couch we all had to sit on our "boyfriends" lap. Just like the girls we didn't want to do this. We all faked a smile besides Sukhmani and Niall. "So how long have you guys been dating"

Liam: "Well, me and Ashley have been dating for 2 months, but we were keeping it a secret till now." What the flabber jacks? 2 months?

Host: "How about you Julie?"

Julie: "Well, we've been dating," She paused pretending to count her fingers while Zayn was whispering in her ear. "for about 3 and a half months."

Host: "You had to count?"

Julie: She smiled softly "Yes because we slightly dated in the beginning when we first moved in but we didn't make it official till 3 and a half months ago, and I guess I didn't know if I should've counted the beginning"  She laughed nervously. Zayn started to rub the side of her arm in a comfortable way it seemed believable that they were dating.

~After asking many more questiong~

Host: "So Julie. We've spotted you and Harry on your birthday taking a dip in the water in New York. So are the rumors true? Have you and Harry dated?" Julie started to whispering into Zayns ear panicy.

Julie: She looked at Harry and back at the host. She laughed "It is true... We did go for a dip in the water but I have never dated Harry.. Nothing ever happened between us. So no the rumors aren't true." She smiled.

Host: "That's all we have used all the time we have. Thank you for joining us here today with these 5 lovely girls and our special guests One Direction!"

Author's Note

Okay so yes this was short. And I'm sorry we haven't been updating and if you have been reading Once Upon a Time then I'm sorry Ashley deleted her book. She didn't know what was happening in the book cos she hasn't been writing in it. So I'm sorry about that. (:

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