Chapter 26

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You may want to read the chapter before, because I edited it 'cos I didn't like it at all. I just made some minor changes. I deleted everything about the unhappiness part and I changed the ending a little when Sumiran was talking about Harrying somewhat blackmailing her. And also I couldn't update because my wifi was being stupid and wouldn't work, but now! It's faster!


Sumiran's POV

Julie dragged me off to the house to go talk to Harry before she could tell me something. When we walked into the house everyone was still in their seats and haven't moved. 

Julie: "Harry! I'm going to kick your bum." 

Harry: "Okay what did I do this time?"  He smirked. "Come here Sumiran"  He said while patting his lap. I denied it and waited for Julie to respond.

Julie: "You know Harry, it isn't very nice to blackmail my friends. Stand up please" She said sweetly. He stood up, Julie turned him around, grabbed his arm, brought it to his back, and put his wrist right between his shoulder blade. "Now Harry. Are you gonna ever black mail my friends again?" 

Harry: "You don't scare me. You're just hurting me."

Julie: "I don't need to scare you"  she shifts his hand up more with the outcome of him grunting in pain. 

Liam: "Julie don't you think that's enough. You might break him." 

Julie: Ignoring him she started talking to Harry again. "Do you understand now?"  He quickly nodded and with that Julie let go of him. "Now was that so hard?"  and then gave him a hug. 

Zayn's POV

Me: "Remind me never to get on your bad side."  I said to Julie. 

Julie: "And you won't." 

Perrie knows we aren't dating but she still doesn't like the fact that we have to act couply everywhere and anywhere we go. I mean we even have to act couply when we're in the house because the paps know where we live but they don't usually bother us. I love Perrie but sometimes I just need a break. I mean she's on my back 24/7 (I love Perrie so no offense to her) 

Louis: "We should go out to eat!" 

Ashley: "Since when are you the one to announce that? We all know it's usually me, Niall, or Julie."

Louis: "The purge happened. That's why I want food." He tried saying it flirty like but it just ended with him being a 'dork' 

Julie: "He can fit in the boot of my car. Can we hide him in there?" 

Authors Note: 

Tomorrow I'm taking a roadtrip to San Francisco, near the Bay area. So I won't be able to update. I leave either 9-10 p.m tomorrow or 3 a.m on Wednesday. But baiii

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