Chapter 22

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Julie's POV

Ashley: "This may be the worse time to do this... but trust us okay?" I nodded "So we found a magazine and Harry...he's been seen with 5 other girls since we've moved in. *pause* So while you guys were dating he was seen with 5 other girls, including the girl on his birthday...and we needed proof *pause* and so we found this in his suit case" she laid the pink lace thong on the table.

Julie: I smiled, "Thank you guys..."

Sumiran: "So your not bothered by it?" Stupid question Sumiran

Julie: "Course I'm bothered by it. I just rather not think about it. It's fine I saw it coming."

We snapped our head to the door to hear a knock on the locked door. I stood up and walked to the door, swallowing the lump in my throat. I slowly opened the door to reveal Simon. I opened the door fully and hugged him, and while I was hugging him Harry came in. If only looks could kill, me plus everyone in the room Harry would have died 10 times. He obviously heard everything.

Harry: "Look I don't regret any of it"

Alana: "Excuse you" she glared

Harry: "Look I dated them because I had to be seen with them. You were still a minor and I couldn't be seen with you until you finally turned 18. Yes I went on dates with them but it didn't mean anything." he softly smiled. I gave him a dirty look.

Julie: "You could've told me... but you chose not to." 

Harry: "I'm-"

Ashley: "Bro. There's a thong on the table from your suit case. Sorry isn't gonna cut it. Leave" She said in a menacing voice. He looked at Simon who was throwing daggers at him.

Simon: "Harry you have done enough." He pointed to the door and with that he walked out. 

Julie: "Why you gotta be so ruuude?" I yelled through the door 

Harry: "Don't you know I'm human too?" He stated  while opening the door slightly, which caused me to glare at him. 

Julie: "Mistakes are mistakes Harry. Get out" I smirked. Yes I was hurt, but he's just one boy, there are many other fish in the sea. But I still wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of me feeling down. He can do what ever he wants. 

Ashley: "Seems like she got over you quickly" She smirked. 

Harry: "She still likes me, I can see it. She's faking it." He said quietly trying to make it so she would only hear him

Julie: "Are you sure about that Harry. I seem to be doing just fine. I'm not like most girls. Remember that." I winked and with that he walked out of the room.  

Sumiran: "That was a little mean Julie..." She said hesitantly.

Julie: "Are you seriously taking his side?" I snapped, them knowing me I never get mad nor snap at anyone. 

Sumiran: Gaining more confidence she said, "Yes, I am taking his side. You didn't have to act so mean. He seemed really hurt when we accused him of doing something, that was true but in his defense he was just doing it to protect his reputaion." 

Ashley: "I see. So his reputation is more valuable then Julie's feelings? Is that what your saying?" She titled her head.

Sumiran: "That's not what I'm saying.." 

Simon: "I'm not taking anyone's side here, but Sumiran it does sound like your stating that his reputation IS more valuable then her feelings.. You need to watch what you say before you loose people you didn't want to loose." And with that he walked out. 

Julie: "Too bad Sumiran" I slightly smiled, "You already lost me." I said while opening the door, I half way walked out and sarcastically said, "Thanks for the best birthday ever Sumiran" then I walked out. 

I just wanted to get my mind off of everything. Tomorrow we would be flying to California with all the beaches, and I'd be happy just to walk with the sand in between my toes, and the sound of the waves crashing down onto the shore. Why can't my life just be happy for once. Everything I say, or have done turns right around and bites me. Next I will be touring with my ex, and ex best friend. This is going to be incredible. Sense the sarcasticness? 

I just want to get away, if only I had a mother to talk to, or a father. I was so young when I lost my parents. I remember them and although I was about 5 or 6 I still remember them chrystal clear. I miss them a lot. I remember how my mom had beautiful long brunette hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. My dad? He looked white but he wasn't. He had black hair, stubble. I have memories of them I can't forget. It hurts that I knew them but didn't get the chance to even say goodbye. But I guess that's how it works. 

Authors Note: 

You all probably saw that coming. But do you really expect me to forgive her? I mean would you forgive your best friend for basically saying that his reputation matters more then your feelings? What if it was on your birthday? Things can happen. "Things will get worse before it gets better"


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