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[Author's Note: 12/3/19]

Hello everyone. Since I never did before, I wanted to give out a quick author's note to give some insight on the story.

Since it still seems to be popular amongst some people, I wanted to give you all a fair warning; this was made when I was in middle school, years ago. Times have changed since then, although I don't plan on taking down the story quite yet.

It's a bit messy/all over the place due to my ideas being.. well, everywhere, but still has a lot of time and effort done, so I hope you'll enjoy what little is left of it. However, there are many, many typos and grammatical errors. It has the potential to be a good story, but that would require some serious editing.

For a bit of background, It's based around Minecraft, and is a role-play/fantasy type mini-adventure (with a twist). All characters are fictional.

Now that that's over, I hope you enjoy Generated PvP!


~Kyros POV~
"You do realize cobblestone isn't going to hold off the raiders, right?"
I lean against the wall examining his work. He's a good defense builder, but we needed obsidian, and had to spend the majority of our money to keep away the raiders. Raiders are people who don't take kindly to anyone, who will do whatever they can to get anything valuable. Some even destroy homes for the fun of it. I never knew why, but around here it's not uncommon.

"Ok well," he pauses for a minute to jump off the final cobblestone block.

"When you come up with the money to get obsidian you tell me, but oh, wait! We can't even BUY it because some of us are on a watch list." He stares at me for a minute, then searches the chests for a lever. The watchlist was made by a group of raiders know as Apocalypse. They're considered the strongest raiding group, and when you get on their "list," it means you're their target. Well, to die anyways..which is never anything good. There's a shop at spawn, known where players are "born". The only problem is, someone who was in charge of the beacon keeping spawn safe had destroyed it from mal intent, making players vulnerable to raiders. Apocalypse eventually took over the shop, and killed anybody who wasn't in their faction.

"Calm down, lighten up!" I smile as he rolls his eyes.

"I'll lighten up once I know we're safe. We've had near death experiences 10 times now, and I'd rather not have anymore, okay?" He looks at me waiting for a response.

"Fine," I say and mimicking his scowl. He just turns away and works on the base more.


"I'm gonna try going to the shop today."
After I say that, I realize he thinks I'm crazy. Well, at least since he turned around immediately giving me the "you're crazy" look.
"I mean, why not try? Don't we have some invisible potions?

He pauses for a moment, "Um I don't- maybe? You know not to go to the nether without me-" he trails off looking at me, while I was smiling.
"You didn't." He shakes his head like he could murder me.. That would be bad.
" Kyro you know not to go unless you're with somebody!" He mumbles something I can't hear, and continues finishing his red stone work.
"You treat me like a kid!" My voice accidentally raises to a yell, and I hear a "shhh!" Coming from his mouth, motioning me to be quiet. "Sorry." I say as I sit down.

"Look, the last thing I need is you dying right now. So no, you aren't going to the shop." With that, he finishes the red stone and examines his work.
"Caden, you have to stop bossing me around." I stand back up, as he slightly looks towards me. "It's not bossing when I'm saving your life." With that, he walked into the base.
"You're not saving my life, you're destroying my fun." I cross my arms and pace around outside. The base looked like a castle, and the red stone was well hidden. I had to be careful where I stepped, cause one wrong move could send me blasting up in the sky. I glanced at my bow that was sitting next to an oak tree, went over and picked it up. "I'll show him." I went inside and grabbed some iron from the chest, that I could sell. I swiftly left the base and headed towards spawn.


I had to take a horse, since our portal was broken from some bandits. I hopped off and tied her against a tree. I moved cautiously through the trees, trying to avoid twigs and leaves. I take a glance at the shop, but nobody was guarding the entrance.

Where are they?
Did they decide to not guard it today?

No. There was something going on. As I take a step closer to examine the surroundings, it was too late. A figure in black clothing had a jump on me. As I was pinned to the ground trying to kick him off, his sword was nearly inches away from my throat. I thought I was a goner until his grip started getting weaker. He fell off of me, his sword falling out of his hands.
I gasped for breaths, seeing a mysterious figure above me with a..
"Diamond sword?"
The words slipped my mouth as he places his sword on his back until he needed it again. Without saying a word, he starts running deeper into the woods. "Wait!! State your name!!"
I tried running after him, but I wasn't fast enough. I stop to catch my breath, catching a glimpse of something shimmering on the ground. I pick up what seems to be an amulet of some kind, the shape of a crescent moon. I look back into the darkening forest, wondering..

Who was that?

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