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~Kyro's Pov~
I bolt and my ears shuffle. They usually do that when I try hearing closely what's going on around me.
Instead of normally waking up and stretching and knowing everything is perfect and handy dandy..


It looks like Tatum is awake as well... Except all she does is drink, what is that orange juice?
"There are SO many questions I could ask you right now, but orange juice?"
She takes one more sip and sits back against the wall.
"Actually, fire resistance. That guy accidentally aimed wrong with his fireball and missed.. He hit my arm instead."
She looked annoyed at that face.
"You're asking me about what I'm drinking, when we really need to know where then heck are we?"
She wasn't wrong.. I have no idea where we are. It's like some kind of box with weapons. Perfect, whenever there's weapons there's always happy fun times..
"Ya." I say.
"Before we go any further, may I ask who you are anyway? It looks like you obviously knew Caden somehow.."

She smiles and laughs a bit.
"Great guess." She stands up and reaches her hand out.
"I mean, we're a bunny and a cat so we're obviously best friends now-"

I interrupt her.
"I don't really see how that makes us best friends.."
She gets this really serious face.,
"Don't question my logic.. Never question my logic."
Ok so to get this straight I've been trying to get home and along the way I meet some stalker guy, and get taken into the dome.. How could this week get any better?
Wait a min.. "I know where we're going! Ok, sorry I was lost in thought-"


"And I just realized we're in generated Pvp! Oh great.."
The realization just hit me..

"Gee Einstein you really put the facts on that one didn't you."
She looks slightly annoyed right now.. Sheesh, not like I put us here.
"Fine, look.. As much as I love our little talks can you please help me with this?"

Her face instantly lights up as she helps me try to break the lock.

Apparently claws on two "animals" aren't that strong..

"Ow! My claw!"
Geeze, were these locks made of steel or something?

We hear some guards walk down the hallway. Thankfully I still had my bow on me somehow.. I guess they don't remove weapons from you. Which is stupid.. We could attack them at any given moment and-oh wait my arrows are gone..

"My potions are gone!! Where's my backpack you meanies!!"

"Be quiet already.. Go eat a carrot or something." One of the guards says.
They all start laughing. I think that was a mistake..

She laughs with them a bit. "That's cute!" "You know what else is cute?" The guards start laughing a bit lighter..
"What?" One says.
She grabs the back of his vest and holds him against the bar. He dropped his weapon, so she grabbed his hands and brought them behind him.
"The taste of your blood."


  ~Caden's Pov~

We all wake up in a jail cell it looks like... Oh great, the Gp jail. It's not really that big, it has like 3 cells in it.. But the guards here are so strict, they won't let someone go easily. That Nic guy is beside me, and it looks like jacksons already awake..Reading a book. His glasses are so shiny you can barely see his eyes, but he looks like he's thinking about something.

"I see you're awake as well."
He shuts his book but slowly. Geeze is he some proper aristocrat or something?
"No, I'm not.."
"I didn't say that out loud.."

"I know you didn't. A year ago I started being able to do that... When I want to that is. It's not like the words speak to me randomly. I was just curious what you were thinking, your facial expressions seem to be... Interesting. It's like you can lose any emotions in reality."

Not all the time..
Before he could answer I asked him the next question.

"How exactly did you acquire them?"

"Hm." He smiles and lifts his glasses a bit.
"I was in the crystallite mountain, tying to find the forever stone."
The crystallite mountain is a cave full of gems. Finding it itself isn't very hard to find, the process of finding it is hell.
Really.. You have to go to the Darkened Souls dimension. It's literally hell, Ina way. Some of the greatest factions actually live there, but you can't grow any crops so getting food is kind of hard, which is why they have allies. I'm pretty sure even apocalypse has a base there.. They have multiple tiny ones and a main one somewhere.

The forever stone allows someone to bring a creature back to life. It's like a second chance, I guess.
"I was gonna give it to anybody who wanted it. Sometimes I do that, it seems to make them happy so."

Kyro used to have a Phoenix. It was small, but made of ice. It had the power to heal whatever touches it's frost breath. it was really beautiful... I wonder if we can use it now.
"Do you think I could have it?"

"I guess. Just say the name of whatever creature you want to bring back to life, and it'll appear."
He handed me the forever stone.

"You never finished your story btw."
"Right, well long story short I found another gem in there that I hadn't studied yet.. Next thing I know I can hear someone's thoughts. Took me awhile to figure it out. Are you gonna use that?"

I shake my head yes, and hold the gem in my hand. It was sparking and clear, it almost looked like a star.

"Serpentine, Ice Pheonix."
As I said that the gem started growing a bright light.. Emerged when the light was dull was a gorgeous Phoenix. I don't ever remember it being this... Amazing.
"That's because it was used by the forever stone."
Oh.. That's why..

It screeched and flew around as if it was ecstatic. It landed on my shoulder, and looked like it was looking for Kyro.
I sigh.

You and me both.

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